Author: Santamarina Joseph

#TruckerTuesday: Roadcheck 2014

It’s #TruckerTuesday, and the ExpressTruckTax team has a very important update for today! The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has begun their annual Roadcheck 2014. The Roadcheck will be from June 3-5.

What is Roadcheck?
2014 will be the 27th year of CVSA’s Road Check. This is the largest targeted enforcement program on commercial motor vehicles in the world. Every minute nearly 17 trucks/buses are inspected from Canada to Mexico within a 72-hour period. There are approximately 10,000 CVSA-certified local, state, provincial and federal inspectors in every jurisdiction across North America to perform the inspections.

During the three-day event CVSA-certified inspectors conduct compliance, enforcement and educational initiatives targeted at various elements of motor carrier, vehicle, driver and cargo safety and security.

Roadcheck has made a difference since its start in 1988, with over 1 million inspections conducted, resulting in more than 301 lives saved and 5,530 injuries avoided.

This Year’s Roadcheck
According the CVSA website, Roadcheck 2014 will include primarily North American Standard Level I Inspections – the most thorough inspection. This type of inspection includes a 37-step procedure that looks at both the driver and vehicle. Drivers will need to present these items when being inspected:

  • Driver license
  • Endorsements
  • medical card
  • hours-of-service documentation
Inspectors will also be checking for seat belt usage and the use of alcohol and/or drugs. When it comes to the vehicle check, inspectors will be looking at things like: braking system, coupling devices, exhaust system, frame, fuel system, lights, safe loading, steering mechanism, suspension, tires, van and open-top trailers bodies, wheels and rims, windshield wipers, and emergency exits on buses. 
This year, Roadcheck Inspections will be focusing on hazardous materials regulatory compliance. Hazmat-certified inspectors will be extremely vigilant about potential hazardous materials/dangerous goods compliance issues. Make sure to have all your documentation together in one place so you can just grab it and hand it over.

ThrowBack Thursday: Extreme Hauling

Welcome back to the next installment of ExpressTruckTax ThrowBack Thursday! This week has just been hectic, gathering as much information as possible for next week’s Road Check and the 2290 HVUT filing season coming up has got me busier than a one-toothed man in a corn-on-the-cob eating contest. I think the entire Trucking Nation would agree, it’s time to take deep breath, relax and enjoy a throwback to the largest hauls in North America.

In 2012, Perkins Specialized Transportation of Northfield, Minn., executed one of the biggest hauls ever made in the U.S.  For this heavy-haul, not just any truck would do. A total of three Mack Titans and additional trucks to transport four 800,000 lb decommissioned generator vessels form San Onofre, Calif., to Clive, Utah. This haul took three years to plan and the building of a 300 ft custom trailer that was as wide as two lane road. The trailer had four separate dollies that could be moved independently, with a total of 192 wheels. At a top speed of 25 mph the 850 mi journey from Calif. to Utah took about 11 days.  Just think, the generators were so massive they had to transport them one at a time, that’s over 6,800 miles!

Let’s go back a little bit further to the largest haul on record in North America. Picture this – Tennessee 1980, its June and the sky is bright blue and crystal clear. You’re outside getting the morning paper and enjoying the cool morning breeze, then your hear the sounds of engines, and in the distance you spot something slowly moving towards you. “What could that be?” you say. That slow creeping metal monster is the largest, heaviest load to ever be hauled in North America, run for your lives! Okay, maybe not run, but what you are about to witness is a 2,314,000 lb reactor pressure vessel being transported from Knoxville to a nuclear power plant in Eastern Tennessee. The load measured 80 ft in length and 26 ft in diameter. The reactor (measuring 80 ft in length and 26 ft in diameter) rested on 2 transport trailers with a total of 384 tires. Each trailer had 12 axles with a load capacity of 825 tons. It took 5 four-wheel tractor dozers to move the reactor with an additional 2 tractors for steep grades. The entire convoy for the transport consisted of 30 vehicles. Even in 1980 it was Go Big or Go Home.

Extreme hauling is an art form. It’s amazing how they have engineered the trailers to maneuver through public roads. Thank you for joining me for this week’s ExpressTruckTax ThrowBack Thursday. Be sure to come back by, you never know where we’re going to go next.

For more ThrowBack Thursday adventure, check these out:

ThrowBack Thursday: 1970s Trucking Films

ThrowBack Thursday: National Transportation Week

ThrowBack Thursday: Trucking in the 1950s

How It Works: Applying A 2290 Credit To A New Truck

Have you had a taxable vehicle that was sold, destroyed, or stolen before June 1 of the current tax year? It happens, but hey you just keep on truckin’ and get a new truck, but do you know how to claim a credit for your sold/destroyed/stolen truck and apply it to a 2290 HVUT for your new truck?

applying 2290 credit

Believe it or not, it is a really simple process. You can e-file your 2290 for your new truck and apply a credit from your sold/destroyed/stolen truck all at the same time. Let’s go over how the process works in

First make sure you have the information needed for the new truck: VIN and vehicle gross weight. For your sold/destroyed/stolen truck you will need:

  • date of sale (or when it was taken out of service)
  • first used month & year of the 2290 return when you paid the taxes for this truck 
  • VIN
  • taxable gross weight 

If you don’t have an account with ExpressTruckTax, that’s not a problem, you can create an account now.
Once you are logged in and on the dashboard page, select “Start New Return”. Choose the option on the left for Form 2290. Then follow the prompts to enter you new truck as a taxable vehicle.

NOTE: If the truck will be traveling less than 5,000 in one year (or less than 7,500 for agricultural trucks) you will enter your new truck information under “Suspended Vehicles”.

After you have entered your new truck information, you will click on “Next” in the bottom right corner until you hit the Sold/Destroyed Credits page. On this page you will enter the information for your truck that was sold/destroyed/stolen.

Once you click on “Save”, you will see the applied credit on the right side of the screen (under Total Credits). Then you simply proceed through the final steps of the e-filing process to transmit your return to the IRS.

If you need any help when e-filing your 2290, please do not hesitate give us a call. You can reach the ExpressTruckTax Team via phone: 704-234-6005 or 24/7 email:

Oh before I forget, the 2nd Quarter IFTA deadline is coming up July 31st, and if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of IFTA filing, we have a great sister company – TSNA – that can take care of everything for you. They do everything from obtaining authorities, fuel/use taxes, permits, registrations, business start up services, and everything in-between. You can contact TSNA via phone: 803-386-0320 or email:

ThrowBack Thursday: 1970s Trucking Films

Happy Thursday Trucking Nation. The week is almost to an end, and it’s a holiday weekend coming up, so I know you are excited about that. Before your Memorial Day celebrations kick off, join me for this week’s ExpressTruckTax Throwback Thursday!

It’s trucking history that never ends, and I really think you will enjoy this trip, we’re going back to the 70s. You read it right truckers, we’re going back to the decade that launched the trucking industry in to main stream popularity. With a little help from Hollywood, and Jerry Reed, a trucker became a symbol for the new American Outlaw. And what two films brought trucking life to movie theaters around the world?

Can’t you already hear the theme song starting to play? This magical addition to cinema history was debuted in 1978. In this film “Rubber Duck” – along with his fellow truckers “Pig Pen” and “Spider Mike”, are entrapped by unscrupulous Sheriff Lyle “Cottonmouth” Wallace using a CB radio. As “Rubber Duck” and his fellow truckers go on the run to New Mexico, they are joined by other truckers to follow their convoy as a show of support. The main truck driven by our hero, Rubber Duck,was a 1977 Mack RS-712LST. There were 2 other Macks used in filming – the ’73 Mack RS-797LST and the Mack RS731LST.

“Convoy” Fun Facts:
– The truck used for the shootout scene on the bridge had been damaged so badly, that it broke down right before filming and had to be pushed across the bridge by a bulldozer to finish the scene.
– After Rubber Duck and Pig Pen’s trucks crashed through the jail, the grill guard on Rubber Duck’s truck is missing. It mysteriously came back for the end of the movie.
– Trucker convoys were created due to the 55 mph speed limit that was enforced on US Highways. As a result, multiple trucks started driving together at a higher speed, thinking that the police speed traps would only be able to pull over one (if any) of the trucks.

scene from Convoy
A scene shot from the beginning of “Convoy”. photo credit: berglitruckstop

“Convoy” wasn’t the only major motion picture to tell the story of an American Trucker. One other movie brought together a great theme song, and amazing action stunts…”Smokey and The Bandit”!

“Smokey and The Bandit”
The entire nation in 1977 fell for this action comedy where the good guys out run Sheriff Buford T. Justice to win the dare proposed by Big and Little Enos in epic trucker style, and do some pretty awesome car chases in between. Snowman (Jerry Reed) drove his ’73 Kenworth W-900A with his trusty dog, Fred to claim trucker glory in the final scene and “do what they say can’t be done”.
Every year for Thanksgiving when I get together with my family in Tennessee, we watch “Smokey and The Bandit” and my grandfather retells his favorite trucking stories from his trucker days with this ending line, “If I had bandit as my partner, I would have never been pulled over.” 

smokey and the bandit truck
                                                                                                                     photo credit: 18wheelbeauties

Well, it’s time to leave this 70s throwback, I know it’s sad. The 70s were such a great time for trucking in pop culture. I really enjoy seeing Mack and Kenworth trucks from that era. Be sure to come back, you never know where we will go next. For more ThrowBack Thursday excitement, check out more of our special edition blogs:

ThrowBack Thursday: National Transportation Week 
ThrowBack Thursday: Trucking in the 1950s

ThrowBack Thursday: Mid America Trucking Show

IRS Form 2290 Reasons for Rejection: Name Control

E-filing with the IRS is like being on a dating game show. If you do not do everything the way they require it, you are rejected. But unlike a dating game, the IRS does give you a second chance, and a third, and a fourth, and…well you get it. When using, you can resubmit a rejected return as many times as you need to win acceptance from the IRS.

In the first part of the – Understanding IRS Form 2290 Reasons for Rejection  Blog Series – I went over the most popular reasons for rejection we see here at ExpressTruckTax. There are a few more that you should be aware of to avoid IRS rejection, the first is Name Control Rejection.

What is a name control?
For the IRS to process your return, they use a name control ( a sequence of characters derived from a taxpayer’s name). The name control and EIN must match for the return to be accepted.

When you apply for your Employer Identification Number (EIN), the IRS establishes your name control from the legal name listed on the Form SS-4 Application for Employer Identification Number.

Why is the name control important?
When e-filing your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, the EIN and name control needs to match what is listed in the IRS e-file database. If what you entered on the return does not match what the IRS information for your business, then the return will be rejected.

Can I verify my corporation’s name control prior to e-filing?
You sure can. Here is where the IRS is so sweet and considerate because they provide a handy-dandy Business & Specialty Help Line at 1-800-829-4933 to check your information prior to e-filing. The hours of operation for the help line are 7am – 7pm local time, Monday through Friday.

If my return is rejected due to  name control mismatch, what do I do?
First, make sure to stay calm, this a fixable problem. Your next step is to check the EIN on the rejected return and make sure it is correct. (REMEMBER: If it is a brand new EIN, it will take up to 10 business days to register in the IRS e-filing database.) If everything looks correct and you are still getting rejected because of EIN/Name Control mismatch, the IRS asks for you to call the e-Help Desk at 1-866-255-0564 and follow the prompts for assistance.

Before you start e-filing with, it’s best to double check your business information to make sure everything is correct before transmitting your 2290 HVUT. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have about e-filing your 2290 via phone: 704.234.6005 or email:

ThrowBack Thursday: National Transportation Week

It’s National Transportation Week, and for the Trucking Nation the team here at ExpressTruckTax thought you all deserved a special throwback to honor your role in the transportation industry. In today’s busy world, truckers operate the most amazing heavy haulers ever created, but back in the day the technology wasn’t so innovative. So buckle up (we wouldn’t want to get a ticket) and let’s go back in time to find out what trucking was like before all the fancy bells and whistles:

photo credit:
Here is a Model AC by Mack. It was introduced in 1916 and had a chain drive rear axle. The AC Model quickly grew in popularity, earning a remarkable reputation for reliability and durability (this thing was a beast). This truck also made one great soldier, accomplishing nearly impossible military tasks for it’s time. Mack’s famous Bulldog identity was credited to the durability and success of this amazing machine. You had to be tough to ride around in a truck with no windows to protect you from the elements. 

photo credit:
There is something extra special about that Mack Model AC. It might not have had all the technical advancements but man it’s just as impressive. The Model AC didn’t even need tires to do the job. Logging back in the day was no easy task and took some great engineering to get the logs from the forest to factory. Here you can see they laid out a [log] bridge and retrofitted the truck with driving wheels, like on a train, to stay on track. Who needs tires anyway, right?

Trucks were built for the hard life back then, I mean no windows, no tires, no cup holders. I don’t know how truckers did it, but they found a way. To the ingenuity and creative “MacGyver” skills of truckers, this Throwback Thursday is for you. Happy National Transportation Week!

It was just a short ride back in time for this Throwback, but if you want to take another trip check out our blogs:
ThrowBack Thursday: Trucking in the 1950s
ExpressIFTA Special Edition: TruckerTuesday & National Transportation Week
ThrowBack Thursday: Mid America Trucking Show

Understanding IRS Form 2290 Reasons for Rejection

It’s TruckerTuesday, and I hope you’ve got your ears on for some important information regarding your 2290 HVUT.  IF you don’t know what a 2290 HVUT is, let me fill you in…

Form 2290 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, is required to be filed by the IRS if you operate a truck or other vehicle categorized as a heavy highway motor vehicle on public highways. When you e-file Form 2290 with your receive a Stamped Schedule 1, which serves as your proof of payment (or proof of filing if tax is not applicable) and needed at the DMV to register your tags. A copy of your Stamped Schedule 1 should be kept in your cab with all your other required documents just in case, especially with the big Road Check 2014 coming up June 3-5. 

One of the best ways to avoid having your 2290 rejected by the IRS is to know the most common reasons for rejection:

Mismatch of EIN with Business Name
This particular rejection can have two meanings:

     1. The EIN that you entered does not match what information the IRS has on record. You can always call the IRS Excise Hotline at 1-866-699-4096 to find out what information the IRS has in their system.

     2. If your EIN is brand new, it takes – on average – 10 business days for the EIN to register in the IRS system for you to e-file. So if you try to e-file your 2290 the same day you receive your EIN, it will be rejected and the reason will be the “EIN does not match business name”. When your EIN is registered in the IRS system you can simply re-transmit your 2290 return (for free) and it should be accepted as long as there are no other errors.

    Routing Transit Number (RTN) Rejection
    If you choose to pay your 2290 excise tax (if any) using the Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) option, a bank routing number is required. If you enter the wrong information for your routing number your 2290 will be rejected. You can correct the routing and re-transmit to the IRS and should receive confirmation of acceptance in only a few minutes.
     – Please Note: If you enter the incorrect routing number or bank account number and the return is accepted, you will need to contact the IRS to resolve the issue. So it is best to double check your numbers before transmitting to the IRS. 
    Duplicate Filing of IRS 2290
    Your 2290 can only be accepted by the IRS one time. If you receive this particular rejection, it means your 2290 has already been filed and confirmed by the IRS.
    To avoid receiving a rejection notice, make sure your EIN and business name are correct and double check your banking information. If you do not have an EIN, you can easily apply for one on the IRS website. It is best to get one now so your EIN will be registered in the IRS filing system long before the 2290 deadline.

    You can always re-transmit your rejected form. All that is needed is to follow the following video

    Check out the next blog in our Understanding IRS Form 2290 Reasons for Rejection Series

    IRS Form 2290 Reasons for Rejection: Name Control

    ThrowBack Thursday: Trucking in the 1950s

    Are you ready for a Triple Throwback Thursday? I’ve been touring the history of the trucking industry and when I got to the 1950s, I was surprised at how significant the era was for heavy hauling manufacturing. So join me in an ExpressTruckTax Special Edition Throwback Thursday as we look at the unique history of Kenworth, Freightliner, and Mack.

    In 1955, Kenworth launched a radical new design – the Cab-Beside-Engine. This half-cab jewel was a driving innovation, providing better visibility for the driver, vehicle weight reduction and increased capacity. The design saved 700 pounds of dead weight compared to the Cab-Over-Engine construction. The use of Alcoa aluminum alloys is what what shed the pounds for this truck.

                                                                                                           photo credit:

    In the 1950s, Freightliner was ahead of its time when it comes to alternative-fuel use. They not only optimized long-haul applications while meeting restrictive length laws with the introduction of the WF64, but this truck could run off 3 different fuel types – gasoline, diesel or liquefied propane. The WF64 was a unique innovation that proved alternative-fuel was possible for heavy-haulers. What an amazing achievement for the time.

                                                                 photo credit:

    Last stop on our scenic tour of the 1950s Trucking Industry is Mack. This American Legend manufacturer has been around a long time and in the 50s they out did themselves by launching not 1, but 3 new models of trucks. The G, H and B models  were the epitome of product advancements when Mack introduced them to the trucking industry. The G series featured an all-aluminum cab and could haul big payloads. The H series, or the “Cherry Pickers” were designed with a short bumper-to-back of cab dimension to accommodate 35 ft. trailers within 45 overall legal limits. The shining star of Mack’s new designs was the B series (pictured below). It had a trend setting rounded appearance, which set the new standard for trucks, as with a wide range of model variations to choose from. From it’s introduction in 1953 to it’s discontinuation in 1966 127,786 B models were produced, and many are still in active service today.

                                                                                                photo credit:

    Who knew there were so many advancements in truck design in such a short amount of time. Thanks for riding along on this tour of 1950s Trucking History, you’re welcome back any time.  

    What Can Be Turned Into A Semi Truck?

    You ever see a golf cart or a motorcycle and think – Man, that would make a great semi-truck? Granted it would not be a full size diesel beast (insert Tim the Tool Man grunt) but it sure would be a Looker. I have been wondering what heavy-hauler enthusiast can turn into a semi-truck, so join me in an ExpressTruckTax exclusive edition of – What Can Be Turned Into A Semi-Truck

    Golf Carts Make Great Trucks
    This lovely little gem was created by Classy Carts and is actually used for golfing. When looking at a plain golf cart, who could image that you can create this. Check out the video, this Mini Peterbilt can really fly. photocredit:
    Semi Truck GoKart

    When you want to cruise the streets and your truck is just too big….swap it out for the mini version. You will catch everyone’s attention if you roll down the street (or to Sonic) in this Little Kenworth. 
    Motorcycle Semi Truck

    This MotoRig is ready for any Bike Rally! The trailer is decked out as living quarters – too cool. MotoRig has made appearances at the world’s most famous biker gatherings including my favorite, Sturgis. The builder should stop by MATS next year so we can get a closer look. photocredit:

    Maple Tree Semi Truck

    Now I know you have looked at a Maple Tree and said – That would make a perfect Semi – we all do that, right? Well get ready to have your mind blown, someone actually did create a solid maple rig (not full size heavy hauler but just as awesome)! Based on a 1974 Autocar this wood truck runs and has a functional 2 into 1 exhaust and complete fifth wheel. photocredit:

    With a bit of imagination and a dash of creativity any vehicle can be turned into One Baaaaaaad Rig. What would you like to be seen turned into a Semi Truck?

    Form 2290 Deadline for Vehicles First Used in March 2014

    If you placed your vehicle on the road in March, the deadline to file Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicles is Wednesday April 30th. That’s tomorrow! You can do this in minutes when you use to pay this tax online. It is easy to use and simple to understand. You can file HVUT for your Taxable Vehicles in just minutes. A vehicle is considered to be a taxable vehicle if is was operating on public roads between the tax periods of July through June and has a taxable gross weight of at least 55,000 pounds and travels at least 5,000 miles during the tax period (7,500 miles if used for agriculture).

    When using to e-file your HVUT, here is a helpful checklist to guide you through the filing process:

    • Review Federal Tax ID or EIN
    • Review your Tax Year and Month
    • Review your VIN
    • Sign and date your return electronically
    • Choose IRS payment option
    • Review all the information
    • Double check your Business Name
    • E-file your 2290 Return allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically! This way you can get a stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. Express Truck Tax is authorized by the IRS to E-File Form 2290. The taxpayer will then receive the Schedule 1 via email or fax as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will then be watermarked by the IRS instead of an actual physical stamp. Be sure to get this filed by the deadline to avoid possible IRS penalties.
    If you have any questions about e-filing your 2290, give the ExpressTruckTax Support Team call at 704.234.6005 or email us at Just a reminder: the IRS will begin accepting 2290 Returns for the 2014-2015 period on July 1st.
    For more information on the 2290:
    3 Ways To Pay Your IRS Form 2290 HVUT
    How To Keep Your Form 2290 From Being Rejected By The IRS
    What is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax For?