Author: Santamarina Joseph

HVUT Form 2290 Is Now Being Accepted By The IRS

Form 2290 FilingIt’s official, HVUT Form 2290 Filing Season starts today! Grab your business and truck information and get to on your computer, smartphone, iPad or Android tablet to prepare and securely transmit your return to the IRS.

What is HVUT Form 2290?
IRS Form 2290 is a Heavy Vehicle Use Tax paid for a taxable vehicle that is registered, or required to be registered, in your name under state, District of Columbia, Canadian, or Mexican law. Basically, if your vehicle has a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or more, you must pay Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes to receive your Stamped Schedule 1. The Stamped Schedule 1 is what you will take to the DMV to register your tags.

BONUS: If you filed a return with us last year, your information can be applied to the 2014-2015 Form 2290 with just one click.

Don’t forget, you can e-file from any location with our new APP for iPad and Android tablets.

If you have any questions about e-filing your Form 2290, please do not hesitate to give us a call or shoot us an email. You can reach our USA-based Support Team via online chat, phone 704.234.6005 or 24/7 email:

Note: the current tax year is 2014-2015, and it will be pre-selected for you. All you will need to do is select your ‘first used month’.

Short on time?
If time is of the essence or you would rather have your very own processing agent handle your HVUT Form 2290 for you, contact our sister product Truck Services of North America. They can handle all your authorities, compliance, permits, registrations, IFTA filing…pretty much everything you need to operate. Contact Truck Services of North America via phone: 803.386.0320 and email:

What Services & Features Are Included for the $9.90 Price?

services and features packs a lot of services and custom features into their $9.90 price for e-filing Form 2290. No other IRS Authorized e-File Provider offers a price this low, or provides such outstanding customer support. We have worked closely with drivers, owner/operators, trucking associations, and trucking companies to create a streamlined e-filing process that is affordable and provides every service and feature that you would ever need to transmit Form 2290 to the IRS.

So what exactly is included in the price?

  • e-Filing of Form 2290
    • provides you with the most efficient e-filing process. You simply create an account; select the form you need to file and fill in your truck and payment information. The tax amount owed is calculated for you and we provide three payment options. No matter what payment option is selected, you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as your Form 2290 is accepted by the IRS (which is shortly after transmitting). 
  • Stamped Schedule 1
    • The Stamped Schedule 1 serves as your proof of payment for your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (Form 2290). As soon as your Form 2290 is accepted by the IRS, we will send you an email notification with your Stamped Schedule 1 attached. This is not the only way to access your Stamped Schedule 1. There will be a copy archived in your ExpressTruckTax account that is available directly from your Dashboard page. You have the option to fax it to anyone that needs a copy, email it, and download it. 
  • Truck Zone
    • Whether you have one or multiple trucks, you can have all your vehicle information neatly organized in your TruckZone. You would simply select the tab at the top of your account and enter or bulk upload truck numbers, VIN, gross weight, etc. This feature makes it super easy to find truck information to claim a credit for a sold truck, and e-file for the new truck you got to replace it. 
  • Email notification
    • We will send you an email notification as soon as your Form 2290 is accepted by the IRS. A copy of your Stamped Schedule 1 will be attached to the email. If by some chance your Form 2290 is rejected, we send an email notification immediately so you know the exact reason and can fix any errors. Don’t worry if your return is rejected, you can retransmit it to the IRS free of charge. Just make sure you choose the correct tax year (current tax year is 2014-2015), that is one error you will have to contact the IRS for, and that usually isn’t an enjoyable activity.
  • Form 2290 archive
    •  A complete Form 2290 will be archived along with your Stamped Schedule 1. Also, any form you file through ExpressTruckTax is archived and accessible from your Dashboard page. So if you ever lose a copy of your Stamped Schedule 1, or need to pull up your Form 2290 for record purposes (or an audit), they will always saved copy in your account. 
  • VIN Correction
    • VIN numbers are long, and if you have had multiple trucks in your driving career sometimes VIN’s can get mixed up along the way. This is a super easy problem to fix if the VIN was entered incorrectly, and it’s is completely free. It only takes a few minutes to correct your VIN and retransmit your return to the IRS. You will receive an updated Stamped Schedule 1 sent to your email address registered with the account. 
  • Credits for sold/destroyed/stolen vehicles
    • If you sold a truck, and purchased another vehicle, you can claim the credit for the sold truck and file the 2290 for your new truck in one return. The credit from your sold truck will be automatically applied to the amount of Heavy Vehicle Use Tax owed for the new truck. 
  • Customer Support
    • If you have a question about any part of the e-filing process for Form 2290, we have an amazing customer support team prepped and ready to assist you. We provide support in three languages: English, Spanish, and Russian. There is no problem that cannot be solved. You can contact our USA-based support team via phone: 704-234-6005 and 24/7 emergency email:

ExpressTruckTax: Meet Our Team

Have you ever found yourself asking – why use to e-file my Form 2290? Today, my dear Trucking Nation, I am going to answer that question.

Other than providing Advanced Filing of Form 2290 and a complimentary 10% off your filing fee with promo code: EARLY10 – offer ends June 30th – ExpressTruckTax has an amazing support team. When I say amazing, I honestly mean it. Not only does this team provide you with award winning customer service, they do it in 3 languages. They can help assist you in English, Spanish, & Russian. This team has not had a problem that could not be solved, or a question that could not be answered…are you ready to meet them?

Let me be the first to formally introduce you to our ExpressTruckTax Team

Charles – Director of Tax Products
Charles is the Voice of ExpressTruckTax on YouTube, enjoys nothing better than a bag of boiled peanuts (who doesn’t?) and is a 3 time Office Charades Champion.

Moises – Support Manager
Moises is proud to be from the Dominican Republic, holds the Senior Chair of the Exclusive Party Planning Committee (seriously, I couldn’t make that up if I tried), and provides support in Spanish & English.

Elena – Sales Manager
Elena has traveled around the world twice (according to her frequent flier miles statement), she can assist you in English & Russian, and she can cook a delicious meal with only a microwave (that’s skill!).

Meet Charles, Elena, and Moises in our latest video….

Bryan – Account Manager
Bryan would put Eric Clapton to shame in a guitar duel, and his hometown (Irmo, SC) claims fame to being home of the “Okra Strut” (don’t worry, we don’t know what it is either) and drives a Man-Van like a boss.

Patti – Account Manager
Patti loves a good adventure, teaches Kindergarten Sunday School every week (so don’t get sassy) and believes no outfit is complete without a smile ( and the right jewelry). 

Kay – Support Specialist
Kay ( or as I call her Miss Kay) can provide customer support like no other, is the only person in the office (besides myself) who is a big fan of tomato sandwiches with Duke’s Mayo, and she is the official “Nickname Presenter” in the office (she presented me with the nickname: Rosie)

Heather – Support Specialist
Heather claims The Fast and the Furious series was based on her life story, she holds the title of “Pickiest Eater” in the office (but can be persuaded to try new things on occasion) , and loves to create apps in her spare time. Oh, and she specializes in assisting you with any problem in under 5 minutes, seriously time her and you will be amazed. 

John – Support Specialist
John is certain that his hometown’s “Pelion Peanut Party” would put Bryan’s “Okra Strut” to shame (let the rivalry begin!), owns a small fortune in bow-ties (because they are cool, Dr. Who said so), and enjoys the fine dining provided by Taco Bell. 

When e-filing your Form 2290, VIN correction, or filing an amendment, rest assured that there is a great support team always available to assist you. You can contact the ExpressTruckTax Support Team via phone: 704.234.6005 or email:

How To: Retransmitting a Rejected Form 2290

Every now and then, a transmitted 2290 is rejected by the IRS. So thank goodness you e-filed with and know right away and why it was rejected. There are numerous reasons for rejection, but for our example we will be using the “Incorrect EIN/Business Name” to demonstrate how to re-transmit a rejected return at no cost. The re-transmission process is simple…

You took your time e-filing  Form 2290 and made sure to have the correct VIN and payment information. Then you receive an email notification stating that your 2290 has been rejected – oh no! Before you start to panic, we have included the reason for rejection (which is Incorrect EIN/Business Name for this scenario) and instructions to re-transmit your corrected return at no cost.

You will need to log into your account and you will see the return listed on your Dashboard Page. To view the error, select “Rejected by IRS”. Select “Fix Me” to the right of the listed error in the pop-up box. This will take you to your business information, where you notice your EIN is incorrect. All you will need to do is update the information, then go back to your Dashboard Page and select “Fix Errors.” Your return will come up and you can review the information one last time to make sure everything is correct, then simply select “Transmit Your Return.”

Once your re-transmitted return is accepted by the IRS, you will be sent a notification e-mail with your Stamped Schedule 1 attached. A copy of your Stamped Schedule 1 will be saved in your account, as well as, a complete copy of your 2290 if you ever need it. If you are on the road and need to have your Stamped Schedule 1 faxed to you, that option is available directly from your Dashboard Page. 

If you need a helping hand with anything regarding your 2290, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. You can contact our USA-based support team via phone: 704.234.6005 or 24/7 email support:

ExpressTruckTax Mobile App

With the 2290 Filing Season revving up ExpressTruckTax has released a convenient and easy-to-use mobile app for iPad and Android systems. The ExpressTruckTax App is free to download and 100% secure. Select your operating system below and get filing today!

Who is the ExpressTruckTax App For?
Anyone operating a taxable vehicle ( any vehicles, not used strictly for agriculture, that runs more than 5,000 miles), our new app is perfect for transmitting your Form 2290 quickly to the IRS from any location. You can file your 2290 while at the truck stop, waiting at the loading dock, counting the minutes until the mechanic shows up (it happens), sitting in line at the weigh station, signaling for the waitress to refill your coffee, the scenarios are endless. It all boils down to- if you have internet access, you can file your 2290 any where your route takes you.

Download your free ExpressTruckTax App:
iPad            Android

  • Bonus: If you take advantage of our Advanced Filing of Form 2290 you can receive 10% off your filing fee with promo code EARLY10. Promo code expires June 30, 2014! 

    What can be filed with ExpressTruckTax App?
    You can file for the current tax year on your ETT App and , just as if you were filing through the website, your Stamped Schedule 1 with be sent directly to the email address registered with your account.

    What can not be filed with the ExpressTruckTax? 
    If you need to file for a previous year then you will need file through If you need to file for a suspended vehicle ( any vehicle traveling less than 5,000, or 7,500 for agricultural vehicles, during the year your vehicle is classified as suspended. Better said, your vehicle is tax-exempt), prior year suspended, VIN corrections, and claim a credit for low mileage/sold/destroyed vehicles then is your e-filing destination.

    To file your Form 2290 HVUT you will need an EIN. This is simply an identification number assigned to you, or your business, by the IRS. If you do not have one and are not sure of the process to receiving one, contact our sister company Truck Services of North America (TSNA) and they will take care of everything. A little about them: TSNA is a premier processing agency and can handle all your permits, authorities, IFTA, IRP, the list goes on forever, but you get the gist. They can do it all.

    Advanced Filing of Form 2290

    Summertime is here Trucking Nation, and for us here at that means warm weather, watermelon, and the start of Form 2290 Filing Season. Yep, it’s that time again and we are providing Advanced Filing of Form 2290!

    When you take advantage of Advanced Filing with ExpressTruckTax:

    • You beat the e-filing crowd 
    • We will automatically transmit the return to the IRS the moment they begin accepting 2014 e-file forms
    • And you Receive 10% off your filing fee with promo code: EARLY10

    Promo code will expire June 30, 2014.

    It is simple to do and it takes just a few minutes, even less if all your information from the previous year is the same.  All you need to do is complete the form and hit transmit. When the IRS begins accepting returns, your Form 2290 will be processed and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 directly from your email address registered with your ExpressTruckTax account.

    You will need an EIN to file and if you do not have one, you can go to the IRS website to apply for one. It will take up to 10 business days for your new EIN to register in the IRS system before you can e-file. So it is best to get one now, if you do know if you have one or not you can call the IRS EIN hotline: 1-800-829-4933 and they will be able to help you out.

    If you have any questions about e-filing your Form 2290, don’t hesitate to give us a call. You can reach our US-based Support Team via phone: 704-234-6005 or email:

    ExpressTruckTax For The Tax Professional

    ExpressTruckTax is perfect for any Tax Professional. We provide specialty pricing and make it possible to manage unlimited clients from a single account. As a tax professional, your job is complicated enough and we want to make transmitting Form 2290, 2290 Amendments, and Form 8849 Sch 6 the quickest and easiest e-filing process you have to do.

    The e-filing procedure is a little different for a tax professional, so let’s take a closer look…

    Form 8453 EX
    This form is known as the Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS E-Filed Return. Sounds so fancy right? Form 8453 EX is a declaration by a taxpayer to authenticate an electronic Form 2290 and authorize an intermediate to transmit the return using a third party transmitter (i.e the tax professional). Simply put, this form is used by a tax preparer to file on someone’s behalf.

    A Tax Professional in the Trucking Industry
    Every owner/operator and trucking company will have different tax and compliance needs. Some will need interstate compliance instead of intrastate, some trucks are only used for logging, some trucks won’t go over 5,000 miles, there are many variables that dictate what needs to be filed. So drivers and company owners will look for a processing agent or tax professional to keep all their needed documentation and compliance requirements up-to-date.

    On Form 2290, you will need to gather the usual business information from your client (EIN, business name, and address). But you will also need to know information about your clients truck(s) – VIN, gross weight, if is used for logging, if it travels more than 5,000 miles, and if it used only for agriculture. It is always good to have the IRS hotline numbers:

                        IRS EIN hotline: 1-800-829-4933
                        IRS 2290 hotline: 1-866-699-4096

    When you do have questions or run into a problem, we have an amazing support team always ready to assist you. Contact us via phone: 704.234.6005 or 24/7 email:

    American Trucking Association ThrowBack Thursday

    Welcome back Trucking Nation for an exciting ExpressTruckTax Throwback Thursday. Are you ready for a trip back in time to see how the American Trucking Association made history? Click it to avoid that ticket from the Space Time Continuum Police , it’s a time-travel throwback!

    You know em’, you love em’ The American Trucking Association
    The American Highway Freight Association and the Federation Trucking Association merged together in 1933 to form The American Trucking Association. In October the following year they held their very first annual convention in Chicago. Now let’s jump a few years to 1937. Can you guess what happened? During 1937, the ATA realized there was some amazing driving talent within the trucking industry and created the very first National Truck Roadeo that became the National Truck Driving Championships.
    Let’s keep it moving to 1953 – during this year, the ATA celebrated their 50th anniversary with a special contest in New York City. During the contest hosted by the Automobile Club of America, 11 trucks and wagons powered by gasoline, steam, and electricity competed to out-haul teams of horses.
    Among their many achievements over the years, the ATA created America’s Road Team in 1986. They fought for higher taxes and fees, as well as advocating for opening up cross-border trucking with Canada and Mexico throughout the 1990s. In 2008, they began endorsing a package of policies aimed at reducing the trucking industry’s fuel usage and carbon footprint. Since then, the trucking industry’s carbon footprint has dropped 88% in sulfur dioxide emissions, 48% in nitrogen oxide emissions and 32% in particulate matter. If the history of the ATA is any reflection of what is to come, I can’t wait for the future.

    Hope you enjoyed our trip back to look at the historical achievements of the ATA. May your wheels keep turnin’ and your roads be clear. Have a great weekend Trucking Nation.

    For more Throwback Thursday adventures:

    Throwback Thursday: The Iconic Trucker Hat

    Throwback Thursday: Extreme Hauling

    Throwback Thursday: 1970s Trucking Films

    FAQ: IRS Form 2290 HVUT

    It’s TruckerTuesday and the team at ExpressTruckTax hopes you are all having a great week so far. The start of Form 2290 HVUT filing season begins on July 1st. Since the 2290 is filed annually, I’m here to re-jog your memory with a few frequently asked questions so you can get it filed and keep on truckin’. Let’s get started….

    1. What is Form 2290 HVUT?
    This form is used to figure and pay the tax due on heavy use vehicles used during the period with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 lbs or more. You will need to file IRS Form 2290 for the tax if a taxable highway motor vehicle is registered, or required to be registered, in your name under state, District of Columbia, Canadian, or Mexican law at the time of its first used during the tax.

    2. What evidence of payment do you present to the DMV to show that you have file Form 2290?
    The DMV will ask to see proof that you have paid your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes. The proof that you will show them is your Stamped Schedule 1. When e-filing, the IRS will apply a digital watermark (the stamp) in the center of the page that proves you have paid the amount of tax due. Your Stamped Schedule 1 is all you will need to provide proof of payment.

    3. What if my VIN is less than 17 characters?
    Your alphanumeric VIN can be any amount up to 17 characters. It should not be more than 17 characters and should not include the letters I, O, or Q. If your VIN has the letter O, replace it with the number zero (0) when entering in your vehicle information.

    4. What is a five-digit pin?
    When e-filing through ExpressTruckTax, we ask you to enter a 5-digit pin before you can transmit your return to the IRS. The 5 digits can be any number you wish. It only acts as a digital signature to prove that you are an actual person transmitting the form. This is not a number you will need to remember or enter in anywhere else when e-filing.

    5. What is a partial period tax table?
    A Partial Period Tax Table is used to figure the amount of tax owed for vehicles first used after July of the current tax period. Here is a direct link to the IRS Partial Period Tax Table for Form 2290.

    6. What is a suspended vehicle?
    When a vehicle is considered ‘suspended’ that only means it does not travel more than 5,000 miles in one year (7500 miles for agricultural vehicles). Suspended vehicles are tax exempt, but if they do run more than 5,000 miles during the tax year than you will need file a 2290 Amendment for mileage limit exceeded.

    These are only a few of our most frequently asked questions. Do not hesitate to contact our US-based ExpressTruckTax Support team with any questions you may have via phone: 704-234-6005 email:

    Throwback Thursday: The Iconic Trucker Hat

    Trucking Nation, aren’t you happy today is the last day of Roadcheck. This week might have been a bit hectic, but get ready to smile like a crocodile for this edition of ExpressTruckTax ThrowBackThursday!

    In our past throwbacks, you have traveled with me through some of the greatest eras in trucking history (linked below), and more time-travel TBTs are on there way. But for this week, I realized you might have been a little extra stressed with the Roadcheck and all, so were going to take a break and look at some iconic trucking culture – we’re throwing it back to the Trucker Hat.

    The Trucker Hat (or mesh cap) came into trucking culture in the 1970’s. It is simple in design, with a faintly curved bill, about 6 total pieces, and a button on top. To keep the design as cost efficient as possible, the front section above the bill is made of foam instead of cotton, and the rest is a breathable plastic mesh. To achieve that classic trucker hat look, the foam front stands up straight and stiff, making it taller so those classic hairstyles wouldn’t go flat – I miss the Farrah Flip. 

    These hats were referred to as “gimme caps” or feed cap” because they originated as promotional giveaways for feed and farming supply companies to hand out to farmers, truck drivers, or other rural workers. Some companies got really creative with their logos, and color schemes.

    In the early 2000s, the mainstream popularity of trucker hats catapulted, and it became a huge trend. They were seen on celebrities, suburban youth, and even cartoon characters.  The trucker hat still has a place in mainstream trends for those people who want to express themselves with interesting catch phrases and logos. – Personally, I like to wear my grandfather’s vintage trucker hats from the 70s and 80s, they just remind me of a simpler time.

    This classic hat will always be a part of trucking history, and that’s why it is this weeks topic for our ExpressTruckTax ThrowBackThursday! Be sure to come back for a visit, and don’t forget about e-filing your 2290 HVUT to get your Stamped Schedule 1 next month!

    Keep the shiny side up, and stay safe out there,

    Check out our previous editions of ExpressTruckTax ThrowBackThursday:

    ThrowBack Thursday: Extreme Hauling

    ThrowBack Thursday: 1970s Trucking Films

    ThrowBack Thursday: National Transportation Week