Author: Santamarina Joseph

Why Former Drivers Make The Best Trucking Dispatchers

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville

If you are running a small trucking company and are large enough that you are needing to hire one or more trucking dispatchers then you really need to consider that a former driver can fill the position better than anyone else. Allow me to point out my reasoning here and by the time you have finished reading this I am sure you will agree with my reasoning.

Depending on the size of your company and how you approach your freight logistics you may have a need for trucking dispatchers who are able to also book freight with brokers and perform sales to obtain direct freight customers as well. While you may be able to find someone with sales experience they often will not have a firm understanding of what it realistically takes to transport the freight.

I’ve had dispatchers with no driving experience before and all they could do was look at things from an on paper best scenario viewpoint. These types will drive your drivers away quicker than anything because they tend to talk down to drivers and make them feel like dirt in general. It’s an attitude that will fester through your company and hurt you in the long run. While it would be difficult to teach these types what being out on the road is really like, it would be much easier to teach a former driver the freight logistics aspect of the trucking company.

A former driver can relate to the trials the current truck drivers face on a daily basis and they know what is possible to do legally, they will make your employees feel more at ease sort of like they have someone on their side in the grand scheme of things. Happier drivers will be more productive drivers as a result. Less stress will also lead to healthier truck drivers.

Using former drivers as trucking dispatchers can also save you money in the long run as they will know better how to handle emergency situations as more than likely they have probably experienced it themselves while out on the road. They will also have a basic knowledge of most other operations within the company and can be turned into the ultimate multitasking machine over time.

As you can see it just makes sense as a strong business decision that will provide a strong inner working to your trucking company for years to come. The same way that doing business a truck tax company like Express2290 will be a smart choice to benefit your bottom line.

Things Freight Factoring Companies Won’t Tell You

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville

Freight factoring companies are sometimes a necessary evil if you own a small trucking company. If you are running an operation that needs to have the cash rolling in on a more regular basis than the industry average days to pay of 30-45 days then at some point you will do business with freight factoring companies. Before you get too tied up with one though you need to have a good understanding of some things they will never be upfront and voluntarily tell you and also know that they for the most part do not care about your success.

For any small trucking company I highly recommend hauling freight for a quality quick pay freight broker whenever possible if you are in need of constant quick money flow, but there will be times when a quality quick pay freight broker does not have freight available where your truck is, this is when you will need to do business with freight factoring companies. On average for a small trucking company business they are going to charge you 4-5% of the total invoice for pay on the same day that they receive the originals.

There are two types of factoring, recourse and non-recourse. To qualify for a recourse deal you will have to have stellar credit and/or do millions in sales as this means that if a customer fails to pay that you will owe any money previously paid out to you on that load back to the factoring company. It does not matter why the customer did not pay just know that the factoring company will take their money back in full immediately.

For non-recourse freight factoring you need to understand that each load does not stand alone as a separate business deal like it legally should in my opinion. Whenever you get paid for loads you have factored if at any time the customer on the load refuses payment on that load to the factoring company they will withhold money from completely different customers to cover those lost funds. In my experience of dealing with 3 different freight factoring companies they also will not have the class to call you and alert you to the situation.

Instead you are expecting much needed money and it simply never shows up. They also will not work with you to ensure you have funds available to operate. They take all funds that they claim you owe them as soon as it’s available. It’s all just a fancy advertising scheme to draw you into their web of lies and deceit. So tread carefully when dealing with them and have the understanding that they are out for themselves and not you, use them sparingly and protect yourself by having legal representation on retainer.

Do you know who does care about your businesses well being and success? That’s right Express2290. Be sure to visit them and see how they can make your life easier by handling all of your 2290 needs.

Getting Familiar With The Setup Process With Freight Brokers

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville

Today I would like to point out some key things to look for in the setup process with freight brokers. This of course being when you will have to fill out an information packet and fax it back to a broker before they will allow you to haul their freight. I’m going to talk about the type of information you will receive from them and it’s relevance, the information and forms you will need to send back to them and the little things you should look for in the packet that if not followed correctly may cost you a bundle.

What type of info will a freight broker include about themselves?

With every freight broker setup packet you will receive many pages of information about that broker. These are not pages that you need to send back, but they are pages that you should save and staple together with the finished packet after you have faxed back what was required. This information at a minimum will include the following:

   1. All of the freight brokers contact information.
   2. Their freight brokers authority page (MC#)
   3. Their Insurance carrier information.
   4. The brokers surety bond.
   5. A reference page. (showing companies they have brokered freight to)

This is all information that you could find out just by knowing their MC#, but it’s just easier to have it on hand should they decide to stiff you on a payment and you need to make a claim against them.

What type of info will they require from me?

This is going to depend on the freight broker you are dealing with,some have very short packets (you will be thankful when you get that lucky!) and some will expect you to fill out an encyclopedia worth of what is sometimes pointless it would seem. following are the main things you will be asked to return every time guaranteed.

   1. A copy of your authority (MC#)
   2. Copy of your insurance.
   3. A current W-9.
   4. A carrier profile page.
   5. The contract with each page initialed and dated as well as properly signed.

For this reason it would be a great idea to have copies of the first 3 on your computer easily accessible if you are using an email fax server. After you have seen a few carrier profile pages it would also be a good idea to make one of your own as every now and then you will come across a broker who wants one, but fails to send you a form.

Things to look for in the setup process with freight brokers!

Some of this information will also be included in fine print on the load rate confirmation, which is the actual contract that a freight broker and trucking company enter into on a load by load basis. What you want to watch for is their policies that need to be followed that in many cases if not followed will garner a fine for your company. These may include the following stipulations:

   1. Fines for not being on time to a pickup or delivery.
   2. Fines for being reported as being uncooperative with their customers.
   3. Fines for damaged freight.
   4. Fines for not contacting them with load movement updates on their schedule.
   5. Payment information pertaining to what they will or won’t cover for things such as tolls, lumper fees,detention and layover.

Once you get the hang of the things to look for it’s best to just ask the broker any questions you may have about these things before you have them fax you a setup pack. Their will be some brokers who are too demanding and who are sticklers for all fines they say may be levied against you regardless of the circumstances. It’s a learning process every time you do business with a new broker, but if you pay attention to details you should have no problem at all.

Now that you’ve learned all about the setup process with freight brokers go on over and check out how easy the folks here at Express 2290 can make filing for your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes which are required to be paid and proof shown before you can get your I.R.P.

Introduction To Dealing With Freight Brokers

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville

Dealing with freight brokers as I covered in previous posts is an integral part of the freight logistics process, perhaps the most important if you will be getting the majority of your freight from freight load boards. This job goes hand in hand with customer relations and building your trucking companies image. In this introduction to dealing with freight brokers I will go over the basic attitude and approach you should have when booking a load.

When you make a call on a load that you find on a freight load board you will be entering into what is a business negotiation. Remember it is your business you do not have to agree to anything you feel is not in the best interest of your company. This is not a time to be weak, nor is it a time to be unreasonable. In every business deal there exists what I call the “Sweet Spot” of a deal. This is the spot where everyone involved makes their fair share of the money out there to be made on a load.

One of the main problems in this industry is that not many freight brokers or trucking companies believe in this theory,instead everyone is out to take the other side for every penny they can get. This more than anything is what creates the freight rate volatility that is synonymous with the trucking industry. Contrary to what you may have heard there are plenty of fair freight brokers out there to do business with.

When you are negotiating be upfront with the broker and let them know exactly what you need payed to haul the load for them (DO NOT just ask them what it pays, you start the bidding!) Just like in any negotiation start a little higher than what you could really do the load for, but be realistic. If you call and demand $3 a mile for every load you haul you will find yourself sitting around and going broke very quickly, it’s just not going to happen. Be willing to bend a little if you feel it is someone who you would want to do business with in the future.

You would be surprised that loyalty still does exist in the trucking industry though it is harder to find these days. By being flexible and respectful of good brokers you may eventually get on their go to list. This is when they will start calling you out of the blue to offer you their best paying freight because they know you are reliable and dependable and have done great work for them in the past. No one is going to just start feeding a new company the best freight they have as those are their more important customers that they need to be sure are serviced to the utmost standards. It took me in some cases 10-15 on time non damaged loads before I started getting higher paying freight more frequently with certain brokers.

Finally if a deal can’t be reached it’s important to remember that you may still be dealing with that particular freight broker again in the future. Make sure they remember you by always stating your name and your company name clearly. Be genuine and say things such as, “Sorry we could not reach a deal on this one, maybe we’ll get together in the future.” Because of using this approach I could go into my broker list and call any of them and to this day they would remember me, this is what you want to achieve.

Remember any part of a great business game plan includes doing business with people who have your success in mind, be sure to visit Express2290 and find out why they are the premier excise tax service around and what they can offer your company.

Starting a Trucking Company? Be Sure to Obtain Your Intrastate Authority

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville
If you are just starting a trucking company then it’s important to obtain your intrastate authority as well as your interstate authority. Many people will tell you it’s a waste of money and that you will rarely use it or that it’s rare to get caught hauling freight that it’s required for, but I’m going to show you the importance of the intrastate authority and how it can make you extra money from time to time and the punishment that will come with getting caught hauling freight without it that requires it’s usage.

Interstate hauling is picking up freight in one state then transporting it to another state while an intrastate authority is required to pick up freight in a state and deliver it to the same state. Technically you are required to have an intrastate authority inside every state that requires it as law if you are going to be hauling intrastate freight within their borders. You can find out which of these states by asking whoever is handling the filing of your interstate authority.

By federal law you are required to keep records for every load you haul as well this information will be needed for your accounting. So you are going to have at a minimum a paper trail of 2-3 copies of this information out in the open that can be looked at by regulators any time they feel the need. In other words it’s going to be hard to hide this proof from state authorities. While it is rare that these records will be scrutinized for intrastate infractions you may face stiff penalties if caught. So why would anyone ever mess with an intrastate authority when they are starting a trucking company?

It’s a situation that’s not going to come up often like I mentioned therefor you won’t have much use for getting one in every state it requires, but for the state you are based in this is a situation that may occur from time to time. Take me for example, I live in Marietta, Ohio which is not a hotbed for outgoing great paying freight. So often when I would come home in order to get back on the freight circuit I ran, I would have to either dead head to Columbus, Cleveland or Cincinnati which was anywhere from 130-210 miles. Rather than lose money I would book a short load to get me there that I could easily incorporate into my schedule with picking up another longer better paying load in one of those cities all in the same day.

Unless you obtain your intrastate authority this would not be possible. Likewise after return trips to the state you could link a short load to get closer to home to cut down dead head on that end. Just a couple times of this scenario playing out easily pays the cost of the licensing and makes you more money in the long run, so despite what the average trucker says it’s planning like this that will put you over the top in being successful. So why would you not want to get it just in case?

Be sure to check out the great service and reliability that is offered for all of your highway vehicle use tax needs by Express Excise.

E-File 2290 for FREE – Wednesday Nov. 24th. Happy Thanksgiving!

We at would like to sincerely thank our customers, our community, and the industry we serve for all of your support this year. 2010 has been a wonderful year and we could not have done it without you.

In an effort to show our gratitude, we will be offering FREE E-FILING of your HVUT tax forms on Wednesday, November 24th. No catch. No qualifications. No fine print – just genuine, honest-to-goodness e-filing of IRS 2290 forms for free.

We know the holidays can be tough, especially when the economy is bad. We hope this gesture of our appreciation will help get you home, keep food on the table, or put one extra gift under the tree this year. From our family to yours – stay safe this holiday season and God bless!

Happy Holidays,

James Harris
Director, Tax Products

Involving Drivers In The Freight Logistics Process

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville

Involving drivers in the freight logistics process can be a great way to boost your overall effectiveness when it comes to moving freight and customer relations. Many small trucking company owners don’t understand that this is a process that begins with the hiring of their drivers. First I’m going to show you some things to look for in employees that you will want for your company, then I will outline the ways you can involve them in the freight logistics process and the benefits it will afford your company by doing so.

Driver Hiring Criteria
When you are going to involve your drivers more in the day to day operations decisions you will need to look for a certain type of driver. Just because a driver has a clean driving record and good recommendations does not necessarily mean they are the driver for you and your approach. Here is what you should look for in the interview process.

  • Are they business minded?
  • Do they have strong organizational skills?
  • Do they have great communications skills?
  • Do they look professionally presentable?
  • Are they experienced in trucking company operations?
  • Do they know how to use a load board and book freight?
  • Basic computer skills?
  • Are they safety and compliance minded?
  • Do they believe in driving fuel efficiently?
  • Can they perform basic mechanical tasks?

This is just the tip of the iceberg here, and will be dependant on just how much responsibility you want to give your drivers over time. Important to remember is that many truck drivers choose to drive for small companies because they are made to feel like they are more a part of the process and that what they think matters. This type of approach fosters confidence in your company and has a higher retention rating than just treating them like another number in a truck.

If you feel they may just be inexperienced in the industry but are business minded enough to train then by all means give them a shot. Sell your company as a building ground for drivers to build their own business within your business while providing them all of the tools and help they will need to some day branch out on their own. Include them daily in the freight logistics process as by involving drivers you will be shocked at what they are truly capable of. After all they are the ones with the real road experience who have a better idea of what it takes to get freight from point A to B that someone in an office has to guess at.

Teach them how to be your eyes and ears and as a group your company will virtually run itself. Why more companies don’t understand this I will never know. They treat drivers exactly the way they are stereotyped in the news and by society, how does this make a driver feel good about working for you or make them truly care about your business success?

I hope this week’s freight logistics posts have given you much food for thought and an idea of how to approach this topic when you start your company or how to make things better in your current company. Of course this has just been some highlights meant for a basic understanding, it’s up to you to unlock the approach that makes you most comfortable and that you feel provides you the best chance of success.

Did you know that when you start a trucking company you need to file for your HVUT taxes before you can obtain your IRP? Why not let Express2290 show you how they can save you money with fast electronic filing.

Managing Freight Logistics In A Small Trucking Company

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville
Today I am going to show you some simple ways for managing freight logistics for your small trucking company that will make your day to day operations easier. Meshing all of the different tasks together when you’ve never done so before can get a little tricky for the newcomer yet an ability to do so is important to your success as a small trucking company owner. Let’s look at the ways managing freight logistics can be made easier for the independent trucker or small fleet owner.

Outsourcing Freight Logistics
One of the biggest recurring themes for successful businesses is surrounding yourself with people providing services for you that lessen your work load and allow you to concentrate on the tasks that directly affect your revenue stream. These days there isn’t much that can’t be outsourced in any business, but to do so with all jobs would not be financially feasible with a small trucking operation. So which parts of managing freight logistics should be outsourced for a small trucking company and why?

Safety and compliance for your small trucking company can be outsourced to a service that will keep all of your safety records electronically which can be accessed on their website by you or an officer doing an audit of your files. The best advantage to this is it just looks more professional and you can guarantee that the files are being kept in a legal manner. It may seem a little expensive for just one to a few trucks, but when you consider that almost every little error could cost you a possible $10,000 fine then it doesn’t seem so steep. Think of it as D.O.T insurance and money well spent. One of the top companies that offer this service is Foley Services.

For mechanical upkeep it is something that in most small trucking companies will absolutely be outsourced. The best approach to doing this though is to build a relationship with a shop that is local to your company and get every bit of work needed done there. While many repair shops are out to gouge for every dime they can, you are more likely to get better deals by giving them steady business. Not to mention when one shop does the majority of your repairs they will have all of the records on hand to better evaluate current problems rather than just shooting in the dark and costing you more money. I had a great relationship with a shop local to me where they would often throw me small repairs for free since I always used them for my big repairs.

The last thing that should be outsourced is accounting. You need to make sure that in some way you and your drivers are keeping the best records possible so that when it is time to file your taxes it will cost less by taking less man hours for the accountant to calculate the data. In the future you can be sure to look for a new free program called “TruckLogix” that will help with not only financial record keeping but also mileage and fuel data. By using a program such as this all you need to do is input all of the data and hand over a copy to your accountant for filing.

By outsourcing these tasks you are going to be left with more time to concentrate on the bread and butter of trucking, freight! Finding loads, dispatching them and transporting them as well as working on customer relations. In my next post join me as I will be talking about the importance of including the driver in the freight logistics process to give your company a better chance of succeeding.

It’s never too soon to get set up for quick filing of your heavy tax needs here at Express2290, don’t procrastinate in order to have your filing needs ready for the click of a mouse with the best pricing in the trucking industry.

New PTIN Requirements for Tax Return Preparers

Beginning January 1, 2011 the IRS will require paid tax return preparers who prepare all or substantially all of a tax return to register and obtain a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). The requirements are intended to ensure tax preparers are competent and qualified.

Tax return preparers may apply for a PTIN using the IRS PTIN online application system at Individuals who currently possess a PTIN will need to reapply under the new system but generally will be reassigned the same number.

The IRS has also set up a special toll-free telephone number, 1-877-613-PTIN (7846), that tax professionals can call for technical support related to the new online registration system. Applicants will pay a $64.25 fee to obtain a PTIN, which will be valid for one year.

Receipt of a PTIN will be immediate after successful online registration. Tax preparers may also submit a paper application (Form W-12: IRS Paid Preparer Tax Identification Number Application). Paper applications will be processed in four to six weeks. Before registration, applicants should consider that the date the PTIN is assigned is established as the annual renewal date.

PTIN applications will require a Social Security number. Individuals without a Social Security number may apply but will be required to provide one of the following: Form 8945 (PTIN Supplemental Application for U.S. Citizens Without a Social Security Number Due to Conscientious Religious Objection) or Form 8946 (PTIN Supplemental Application for Foreign Persons Without a Social Security Number.)

Check the Express2290 blog soon for more information regarding the IRS PTIN requirements.

Freight Logistics for Beginners

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville
When you go to start a trucking company it is important to understand freight logistics for beginners as this is the core of a trucking operation, whether a one truck operation or a multiple truck fleet. Logistics is defined as the management of the flow of goods, information or services from the point of creation to the point of consumption. Freight logistics simply put is the process by which you will get the goods from point A to point B, but entails much more than just driving the truck. Let’s take a look at all of the operations that will make up your freight logistics daily process.

1. Management – managing yourself, other drivers or employees to make sure that all the cogs in the wheel are rolling together properly.
2. Booking Freight – making contracts for direct freight or finding loads from brokers on load boards.
3. Dispatching – properly assigning the load to a truck that can get the freight there in a timely and compliant manner.
4. Safety and Compliance – ensuring that all company operations follow federal and state guidelines for safety and compliance, as well as keeping the company files stored properly up to code.
5. Accounting – keeping proper records of accounts receivable and accounts payable.
6. Transporting Goods – driving in a safe and compliant manner while making sure to be on time with agreed to scheduling for pickups and delivery.
7. Customer Relations – building strong relationships with brokers, shippers and receivers as well as any businesses you work with to maintain other aspects as mentioned above.
8. Mechanical Upkeep – making sure your equipment meets guidelines set forth by federal and state regulations, keeping it looking presentable and professional.

Perhaps the number one reason that many one truck operations fail quickly is that they are started by a former owner operator who is used to someone else performing all of these tasks for them and they neglect one or more of these steps when they operate their own company. You have to be able to wear many hats as an independent trucker and have the time to dedicate towards the cultivation of all areas.

It can seem overwhelming at times to find the time to put towards each task as much of your time is spent doing the transporting of goods and you also have to have proper rest so you can be safe behind the wheel. In order to accomplish this you need to be able to kill many birds at a time rather than doing each separate. Multitasking properly is something you should be good at before you even consider starting your own small trucking company.

In my next blog post here on Express2290 I will be getting into ways in which you can make freight logistics for beginners more manageable to optimize your time and your business image so be sure to come back and check it out.