Author: Santamarina Joseph

Paying Heavy Vehicle Use Tax(IRS 2290 Form) Online

“Crazy Black Friday deals at ExpressTruckTax! Up to 25% Off on IRS Form 2290 filing fees”
When filing the IRS Form 2290 online through there are several payment options. The IRS accepts Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS, checks, or money orders.
An Electronic Funds Withdrawal can be from either a checking or savings account. All that is needed to set this up is a routing number and an account number. An exclusive service that Express Truck Tax offers is the option to also pay the processing fees through Electronic Funds Withdrawal as well. Most other options require the fees to be paid by credit cards, but Express Truck Tax offers the ability to pay the taxes and fees from the account.
EFTPS stands for the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System. To pay using this method, one must already have an account set up with EFTPS. If you do not already have an EFTPS account, it can take 2 weeks or more to create one.
And of course there is also the option to pay either by check or money order. For either of these forms of payment, you can download a payment voucher from Express Truck Tax after you have gone through the process of filing. If you selected to pay by check or money order, you will have the option to download a Payment voucher from the Action column of the dashboard of your account. With this voucher, you can mail the check or money order to your local IRS office. Even if you select to pay by check or money order, you can still E-File the Form 2290 instantly. The Form will still be accepted by the IRS and the person filing will still receive a stamped schedule 1 within minutes. The check or money order would be due by November 30th.
To pay the minor processing fees to Express Truck Tax, you can pay by debit card, credit card, or by an Electronic Funds withdrawal. If you choose to pay by electronic funds withdrawal, you can use the same account that the taxes were paid from.
For Service providers such as tax professionals or Trucking associations that need to file many 2290 Forms. Express Truck Tax also offers several prepayment options. This includes buying credits for future returns, unlimited returns per client, and unlimited filings for the year for various prices. allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically! This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes. Express Truck Tax is authorized by the IRS to E-File Form 2290. The taxpayer will then receive the schedule 1 via email or fax as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will then be watermarked by the IRS instead of an actual physical stamp. Be sure to get this taken care of soon because the due date for all vehicles.

Free IRS Form 2290 (HVUT) VIN Corrections

Correcting a VIN(Vehicle Identification Number) is very easy in our system. Typically the IRS processing time is the same as a standard 2290 form. In order to file a VIN correction, the taxpayer simply needs to file a IRS 2290 Amendment.
If they already have an account with us, they will need to click the orange ‘Create New Return’ button from the ‘Dashboard’ page inside their account. Once they click this button, they will be asked what form they would like to file. They will need to choose 2290 Amendment and then select the VIN correction option. The system will then walk them through the VIN correction filing process. The drivers can e-file a VIN correction through us even if the original 2290 was not filed through ExpressTruckTax.
There is no charge to e-file a VIN correction however they will need to enter a valid credit card in order to authenticate the filing. The card will not be charged.
We hope this helps. Please let us know if there is anything else we may do to be of assistance. If any of your drivers have additional questions about the VIN correction, they are more than welcome to contact our customer support line at 704-234-6005 and we will gladly assist. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! From Express Truck Tax

With Highway Use Taxes due on November 30th of this year, this has been a very busy Thanksgiving season for the folks at Express Truck Tax. We are very thankful for all of the Truckers, Owner Operators, Trucking Companies, and Service Providers that have chosen to file their Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax through Our US-Based Customer Support Center in Rock Hill, SC has been flooded with calls this month and we are grateful for it!
The tax year may be a bit different this year due to the November 30 deadline, but the legislation is the same as it has been in previous years. The tax due will be the same, and the weight classifications are also the same. The only thing that is different is that the filing process can be much easier and more convenient with ExpressTruckTax.
Filing this form online only takes a few minutes and you will receive a stamped schedule 1 within minutes of filing this form online. Although the Thanksgiving Holiday is coming up, you will still be able to E-File your Form 2290 through our service anytime. If you have any questions, please contact us at 704-234-6005 or email us at

IRS Form 2290 Video: Highway Use Tax Due on November 30

Don’t Forget that Highway Use Taxes(IRS form 2290) are due in just 8 days! You can E-File them online with
Be sure to File your IRS Form 2290 by November 30th to avoid any late Fees.
Here is a video from the IRS about E-Filing Highway Use Tax by November 30.

E-File IRS Form 2290 before it’s too late is the quickest, easiest, and best value for filing your Form 2290 (Heavy Truck Use Tax) online with the IRS. The due date for the tax is getting closer, and here are a few points to keep in mind while e-filing.
• E-file your 2290 returns with
• Review Federal Tax ID# or EIN# [Employer Identification Number]
• Review your Tax Year and Month
• Review your VIN# [Vehicle Identification Number]
• Sign and date your return electronically
• Choose IRS payment option
• Review all the information
• Double check your Business Name
• E-File Your 2290 Return
Choose an IRS payment option:
There are several options to pay the HVUT taxes with the IRS.
• Electronic Funds Withdrawal, or Direct Debit: The IRS will collect the taxes due after they are provided with a bank account number and routing number
• EFTPS: You have to schedule the payment to the IRS by going to
• Check/Money Order: The IRS also supports Check/Money Order as long as it is scheduled by the 30th.
We strongly advise our Canadian customers to use this option as EFW may not work for Canadian banks.
Just a reminder, if you choose Direct Debit (EFW) as a payment method, the IRS will not process your return during the weekends, or on federal holidays, but on the next business day.
Review Tax ID Numbers
carefully check Tax Identification numbers on your return.
Review Your Return is a very smart program, it automatically checks for any errors before you transmit your 2290 return to IRS, but it’s always good to double check everything before you hit the ‘Transmit to IRS’ button.
We are always available to help if needed. We are one of the few companies which are locally based to offer customer support. Call 704.234.6005 to speak with our Rock Hill, SC support center.

Figuring the IRS Tax for Form 2290 for Tax Year 2011-2012

It’s tax season for all those needing to file the IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes. Although it can be complicated to file this return, has made it much easier. The Form 2290 can be filed online through the secure E-Filing System that Express Truck Tax has created.
This Excise Tax must be filed annually for any vehicle over 55,000 pounds that operates on public roads. The tax amount can vary depending on the number of months the vehicle was in service during the tax period and it is also determined by the gross vehicle weight. This Taxable Gross Weight is calculated by using the total weight of the vehicle fully equipped for service.
Here is a Payment Table for Heavy Vehicles and logging vehicles as determined by the taxable gross weight of the vehicle.

E-file IRS HVUT Form 2290 in November 2011-2012

The Tax Year for 2011 – 2012 has been different due to the delay in the filing process. This year the Form 2290 is due during the period ranging from November 1 – 30, 2011 for the 2011-2012 tax periods. In order to File the IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT), Express Truck Tax has made the process Quick, Simple, and Easy-to-use. When you use Express Truck Tax to E-File a Form 2290, the process takes just a few minutes. Choosing to E-file this return is much simpler than paper filing. Instead of using a confusing form full of tax jargon, Express Truck Tax has simplified the form to plain English. It is just a series of questions, mostly pertaining to basic business information. The process is broken down into several short and to-the-point sections.
The first step to Filing the Form 2290 Online is to go to an IRS Authorized E-File Provider for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes. From this page, you can get started on a Form 2290, IFTA filing, or sign up as a service provider. To login, just click on the Sign-Up button. From here, just enter some basic information to set up you Express Truck Tax account. (Please note: it is totally free to create an account. You only pay per return)
After signing up, you will be taken to the Dashboard of your account. This page displays your basic business information as well as the status of your most recent returns. From here, you can add new businesses to file for, as well as create new returns. To File a new 2290, just click on Create New Return at the bottom of the page.
The first thing that will be asked is the First Use Month of the vehicle as well as the year that you are filing for. If the vehicle has been on the road since last year, then select July 2011 as the first use month because that is the first month of the tax period.
On the next section, you can add heavy vehicles. There are several categories to add them to. They can be Taxable Vehicles, Suspended Vehicles, Prior Year Suspended Vehicles, Sold/Destroyed/Stolen Vehicles, or Low Mileage Credit Vehicles. Taxable Vehicles are normal heavy vehicles that travel a minimum of 5,000 miles per year. Suspended Vehicles fall below the 5,000 mile threshold (7,500 if agricultural) and no taxes are due for these, but they must still be filed for. Prior Year Suspended Vehicles are vehicle that were filed for previously, but they either exceeded the mileage threshold or the vehicle was sold. Sold/Destroyed/Stolen Vehicles are just as they sound – sold, destroyed, or stolen before June 1. Low Mileage Credit Vehicles are recorded if taxes were paid for a vehicle in the previous year, but the vehicle never exceeded the mileage threshold.
After selecting the type of payment for the taxes due, the system performs an internal audit of the information that was submitted. This audit checks for any basic errors that may have been made.
You can then select how you would like to pay the IRS. The IRS accepts Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS, and check or money order. An electronic funds withdrawal would instantly withdraw the payment from a bank account within 5 business days. EFTPS stands for the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System. It is a government program, but in order to use it you must already have an EFTPS account (this can take at least 2 weeks to create). A check or money order can also be used to pay the taxes due. In order to use this method, you will need to print a payment voucher from the Express Truck Tax website then mail that to your local IRS office.
Before you finish, offers many additional services such as a fax or an automated text message to your cell phone as soon as the Schedule 1 is available. You can also have the form faxed to anyone including your leasing company, trucking association, or yourself. allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically! This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes. Express Truck Tax is authorized by the IRS to file Form 2290. The taxpayer will then receive the schedule 1 via email or fax as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will then be watermarked by the IRS instead of an actual physical stamp.

Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return (HVUT) IRS Form 2290 and Schedule-1

Don’t Forget to E-File IRS Form 2290 This Year!
Although filing season has been delayed ExpressTruckTax has all your requirements fullfilled to file your Tax Online. HVUT must be filed between November 1, 2011 to November 30, 2011.
A Form 2290 return can be used for paying Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Taxes due for highway motor vehicles used during the tax period with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. It can also be used to calculate and pay taxes for vehicles that were previously listed as a Suspended Vehicle if that vehicle later exceeded the mileage threshold during the tax period.
HVUT, or Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, is a federal highway tax imposed annually on trucks, truck tractors, and buses using public highways. The tax applies to vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. Form 2290 is used for filing this tax and upon acceptance, the IRS will provide a Stamped Schedule 1 as proof of payment and can also be used to register the vehicle at the DMV.
Vehicle Owners and Operators use to eFile HVUT using Form 2290 and receive a Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes.The IRS encourages all taxpayers to file the Form 2290 electronically for Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Returns for 2011-2012. Electronic filing is required for taxpayers with 25 or more vehicles.