Author: Santamarina Joseph

5 Tips for Travel with a Trucker’s Best Friend

Leon, son of Sir Charles

Trucking has gone to the dogs…

And we love it! Around the ExpressTruckTax office, dogs are a part of the family. And we know that dogs are part of yours too! There’s nothing quite like hitting the open road with a furry companion by your side.

That’s why today, we’ve got an extra special blog, packed with plenty of tips for traveling with a pup. And as a bonus, you’ll feast your eyes on pictures of our puppies too!

Get ready to say “D’awwwwwwww” and shriek with girlish pleasure! The Support Heroes have some seriously adorable dogs.

*Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any heart attacks caused by a cuteness overload.*

Tip #1: Adopt a Pooch

Bella, Heather’s baby girl
“Is it play time yet?”

If you’ve already got a furry friend, then you’re ready to move to Tip 2. However, if you’re riding solo, you can pick up a pup through adoption! Across the country, millions of pets are up for grabs at a very low cost, or even for free.

So why not make a dog’s day and adopt from a local shelter. Or for a shorter-term commitment, become a puppy foster parent! You’ll take care of them until they find their Fur-ever Home. Whether you adopt or foster, be sure to choose a dog with the right personality for your lifestyle, one that is calm and collected. This shouldn’t be too difficult. Anyone who’s ever rescued a pet has seen the gratitude these pup’s have for their new families!

Tip #2: Check-up Time

Hurley, Bryan’s lovable mutt
“Dude, seriously. Where’d the ball go.”

Before you set out on your travels, especially on a long journey, schedule a vet appointment. Be sure your dog is up-to-date on all shots, has refills of any necessary prescriptions, like heartworm medication, and a clean bill of health. 

Spaying or neutering your pet is also beneficial as it results in calmer behavior. (And it reduces other risks too, if you know what I mean!) It’s also a good idea to get your pet microchipped, just in case they get away from you. Ask your vet if they have any advice for your pet in particular: remember, no two dogs are alike! And always bring the current vaccination records and tags with you, just in case.

Tip #3: Safety

Grizzly Bear, Misty’s Pomapoo
“I’m ready for my close-up.”

Now that you’ve got a puppy (or two!), and the check-ups are completed, it’s almost time to get truckin’!

But first, consider bringing along a crate, barrier, or doggy seat belt. These devices will keep you and your pet safe in the event of a hard stop or accident. Without them, you risk your pet being jolted around (or even out of) the cab, which is obviously no good. While crating a pet may seem cruel, they often feel safer in these confined spaces, especially in a moving vehicle. Be patient as your pet adjusts to the crate, and always speak positively about it. Never force them in or yell. 
As another safety precaution, find several emergency veterinary care facilities along your route before you leave. Keep their location and contact info nearby, better to be safe than sorry!

Tip #4: Supplies

Mika, Jason’s little Shih Tzu coming from
the groomer.
“I better get a treat for this…”
Aside from the basics, like food and water, bring along stuff that makes your cab feel more like home–for both of you!

If your pup has a favorite toy, treat, bed, or blanket, bring them all along! They’ll make life on the road more enjoyable for your fuzzy friend. To minimize messes, pick up a few cheap spill-proof bowls for food & water. Store dry food in a lock-top plastic container to keep it fresh and off the floor of your cab.

And don’t forget to bring jugs of bottled water along, in case you can’t find water elsewhere.

Finally, bring along small bags and a scoop for waste clean-up. After all, it’s not your backyard, so remember the others coming after you!

Tip#5: Road Rules

Now that you’re packed, planned and on the road, here are a few more things to consider.

  • Exercise! Your doggy needs to get out of the truck regularly (every couple hours at least), not just for bathroom use, but also to burn off energy. Take them for a long walk, or throw a ball around if you’ve got a large, safe area.
    Sylvia, another member of the Hardy pack
    “Look at me, I’m beautiful.”
  • “Car” Sickness. Dogs are very susceptible to motion sickness. Quivering, drooling, vomiting, and unusual posture are all signs of motion sickness. Avoid it by not feeding your pet during or right before driving. If this is a recurring issue, your vet may be able to prescribe medication to help. 
  • Finally, never ever (did I mention ever?) leave your dog unattended in a vehicle, especially in hot or cold weather. If you must leave your dog for a few moments, make sure the truck is on and heat or AC are flowing appropriately. In just 10 minutes, the inside of a vehicle can jump more than 20 degrees higher than the temperature outside. And that will continue to climb with each passing minute. Vehicles are like ovens. Don’t cook your dog! 
Hopefully, the more you travel, the more your dog will become accustomed to life on the road. Of course, some dogs just may not be cut out for that lifestyle. So take a hint, and be considerate of their needs. Some pups may be best left at home or with a friend.

The ExpressTruckTax heroes hope you enjoyed the Slideshow of Cuteness! Happy travels!

E-filing Form 8849: Refund for Excise Taxes

Alright, Trucking Nation. We talk a lot on this blog about paying taxes to the IRS.

Today, we’ll talk about the flipside– the IRS paying you!

That’s right, in some instances, you may claim a refund of your excise taxes by E-filing IRS Form 8849 with Schedule 6.

While this may sound like confusing mumbo-jumbo, ExpressTruckTax makes it super easy to E-file for a refund and get you your money back faster!

Before we talk about the how, let’s talk about the why. In what instances do you qualify for a refund of heavy vehicle use tax paid?

  • Your heavy vehicle was sold, stolen, or destroyed before June 1st (the end of the HVUT tax year). In any of these events, the tax will be prorated based on the date of the qualifying event. And it’s your lucky day because ExpressTruckTax does all the pro-rating math for you!
  • Your vehicle traveled too few miles during the tax year. If you traveled 5,000 miles or fewer on public highways during the tax year (7,500 if it’s an agricultural vehicle), then you qualify for a refund. This credit is not prorated; you simply receive a full refund of the taxes paid at the end of the tax year. (Yes, you have to wait until June 1st to E-file for this refund to prove that you did not hit the mileage limit after all.)
  • You overpaid your heavy vehicle use tax by either: filing for the incorrect number of trucks, selecting the wrong first-used month on your Form 2290, or you chose an incorrect, higher category weight for the vehicle. Pro-rated refunds are issued in all three of these cases. (Note: Refunds for lower gross vehicle weight will only be issued if the vehicle remains in that lower category for the entire tax year. There are no partial refunds for temporary reduced weight.)

However, refunds will not be issued for these cases:

  • You sometimes operate at a lower gross vehicle weight than initially reported. While occasional light or decreased loads might make you lose some weight (and save on gas mileage!), this does not warrant a refund of excise tax.
  • You used the vehicle for only part of the year. How often you used the vehicle or how many months it was in use do not matter if you exceeded the 5,000 mile limit (7,500 for agriculture). Refunds will only be issued if the vehicle drove less than the mileage limit during the tax year. 

If you fit into scenarios 1 through 3 above, then you may E-file your refund OR wait until next year and get a credit on your next Form 2290. The choice is yours! Either way, it’s always nice to get a little credit.

If you elect to E-file your Form 8849, here’s a quick how-to:

  • Once you’ve selected “Start a New Return,” choose start under “Form 8849 Schedule 6.” 
  • Then enter your tax year month end, which is typically December (unless the fiscal year for your business differs from the norm). 
  • First, upload any vehicles needing a sold/destroyed credit. You’ll need the VIN, first-used month, gross vehicle weight, and the date that the vehicle was sold, destroyed, or lost. Notice how the pro-rated tax is calculated for you, showing you a delightful sum of money the IRS owes you!
  • Second, enter the VIN, gross vehicle weight, and first-used month for any low mileage credit vehicles. 
  • Third, enter any overpayment credits by inputting the date of overpayment tax, VIN, the amount you are claiming back, and a short explanation for the IRS to review. 
  • Finally, review your information, and check out how much the IRS will be putting back in your pocket! 

Finally, sit back and wait for your pay day! The IRS typically issues the refund within 4-6 weeks. If they require additional information about your refund, they’ll notify you via postal mail, and you can fax them your reply.

And as always, if you need any assistance along the way, our Support Heroes are at the ready! Email them 24/7 at They’re also on live chat, or just a phone call away at 704.234.6005.

Enjoy that extra pay day! (And buy yourself just a little something special, you deserve it!)

E-file Free VIN Corrections: Form 2290 Amendments

Today may be #FridayFunDay, but I’m about to create a new Friday hashtag!

Ya’ll ready for this?


That’s right, ExpressTruckTax offers totally free VIN corrections for returns originally E-filed with us (and not just on Fridays!). All you need to do is quickly E-file a Form 2290 Amendment, and I’m

about to show you how, fast & furious style…

Step 1: Start at the very beginning…
-Returning users login or new users create an account.
-Click “Start” under Form 2290 Amendments.
-Choose “Form 2290 VIN Correction.”

Step 2: Correct your VIN
-Choose to amend a return E-filed with us, or choose to amend a return that was paper-filed or E-filed elsewhere.
-Select the correct tax year and the vehicle’s first-used month.
-Click “Add VIN Correction” and enter the vehicle’s originally reported VIN, gross weight, and corrected VIN.
-Choose “Save” if done, or “Save & Add Another” if you made multiple boo boo’s.

Step 3: You Did It!
-Almost there, just review your info while our Instant Audit checks your return for errors! (You wouldn’t want to file an amendment for your amendment now, would you?!)
-Finally, transmit your return to the IRS safely, and receive your spanking new stamped Schedule 1 in minutes!

If you need help E-filing your amendment, our Support Heroes are standing by! Call them at 704.234.6005. They’re also on live chat or available for 24/7 email support at

Mistakes happen. But we believe in second chances. Scope out our other lightening-fast 2290 Amendment E-filings:

Exceeding the Mileage Limit

Increase in Gross Vehicle Weight

#NTDAW2014: Warm Thanks & a Special Gift from the ExpressTruckTax Team!

Dear Trucking Nation,

For National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, the ExpressTruckTax team would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to our beloved Trucking Nation.

Around our office, every day is truck driver appreciation day! We have the pleasure of speaking to hundreds of you daily, and it’s a privilege and an honor to provide a service for you–because without

your service, our lives wouldn’t be nearly as awesome!

Because of you, the millions of hard-working men & women of trucking, we have fresh food to eat every day. We have the clothes on our backs. And we have the jobs you’ve helped create by supporting our USA-based company.

We’re deeply grateful for all of your support and for the kind words you’ve sent our way this tax season. From telling our Support Heroes to run for president to suggesting that the Heroes should teach other companies how to provide proper customer support (very cheeky!), we’ve constantly been humbled and inspired to keep improving.

Your gratitude only makes us work harder. We won’t get comfortable, because you don’t either. We keep working with you, side by side. Day and night.

Our mission from day one has been to provide the highest quality, easiest to use E-filing service at the best price in the industry. With your support, we’ve been living this dream, and we want to give you something in return.

We know that managing a transportation business is complicated, convoluted, and expensive! We also know that other software companies haven’t met your needs, that you’ve had to use multiple pricey programs to manage your business, or none at all.

So consider this our #NTDAW thank you gift. We call it TruckLogics.

It’s available in beta now and officially launches Monday, September 22nd! We built it from the ground up based on all of your feedback. A single web-based business management program custom-created for transportation companies. And like all of our products, it’s slick, easy-to-use, and affordable! For the cost of a sandwich each month, TruckLogics will keep your business organized and running smoothly.

The core of TruckLogics is the Dashboard, which provides a snapshot of orders, dispatches, and maintenance, making it impossible to forget an oil change! The seemingly infinite number of moving parts in your business are all in one place and at your fingertips. I could blab about it’s exclusive features–like Truck Zone–for hours, but why not see for yourself!

Sign in to TruckLogics with your ExpressTruckTax account, and we’ll not only auto-fill the program with your info, but the first 30 days are on us! No credit card needed. Just sign up and enjoy 30 days of your business at its best!

If you have questions about signing up for the beta, call the TruckLogics Support Crew at 704. 234.6946 or email them at They’ll provide the same stellar support that our E-filers are accustomed to! (Big shoes to fill, I know, but they’re up to the task!)

TruckLogics is just one of the many ways we want to say thank you for your tireless efforts around the clock. Your commitment to safety keeps our highways safe & makes the American way of life possible. Thank you, Trucking Nation!


Your Friends at ExpressTruckTax & TruckLogics

Exceeding the Mileage Limit: E-filing Form 2290 Amendments

‘Tis the season to E-file Form 2290 Amendments! Everyone recently E-filed the 2290 yearly renewal, and now, some are noticing errors or changes that need to be made.

We’ve already covered how to speedily E-file an amendment for increased gross vehicle weight. Today, the saga continues!

The second kind of 2290 Amendment is for suspended vehicles that exceed the mileage use limit. Suspended vehicles (Filed as Category W) can only travel up to 5,000 miles during the tax year (7,500 miles or fewer for agricultural vehicles).

This limit applies to the total miles the vehicle drives on public highways during the tax year, regardless of the number of owners.

So what happens when that trip odometer reaches 5,001? Well, that means it’s time to pull over, whip out your tablet or laptop, and quickly E-file an amendment with ExpressTruckTax!

Here’s how to E-file a 2290 Amendment in 10 minutes or less:

*Note: Be sure to E-file your amendment by the last day of the month following the month in which you exceeded the mileage limit.

Step 1: Get Situated

-Returning users login or new users create an account.
-Click “Start” under Form 2290 Amendments.
-Choose the kind of amendment. Click start under “Mileage Exceeded.”

Step 2: Vehicle Info

-Choose to amend a return E-filed with us, or choose to amend a return that was paper-filed or E-filed elsewhere.
-Select the correct tax year, the vehicle’s first-used month, & the month the mileage limit was exceeded.
-Next choose the vehicle you are filing the amendment for, OR if you haven’t filed with us, enter the vehicle’s information like the VIN, taxable gross weight, and whether it’s used for logging.
-Finally, hit “save” or “save & add another” if you’re E-filing an amendment for more than one vehicle.

Step 3: Finish it!

-Voila! The prorated tax is calculated for you! And there was much rejoicing!
-Click “next,” and enter your method of payment. The IRS accepts Direct Debit (EFW), EFTPS, and check or money order. (No credit/debit cards.)
-Almost there, just review your info one last time while our system performs the Instant Audit to make sure everything is correct.
-Finally, securely transmit your amendment to the IRS & watch in amazement as your new stamped Schedule 1 is emailed to you in minutes!

There’s no easier, more affordable way to E-file Form 2290 Amendments! No scary IRS forms, no tax jargon, no calculators! Just 10 minutes of pure, E-filing bliss.

Tune in next time for our installment on E-filing free VIN corrections!

If you hit a roadblock, hit up the Support Heroes. They’re available via 24/7 email support at They’re also on live chat, or just a phone call away at 704.234.6005.

#WellnessWednesday Part 5: Eat, Drink, & Be Healthy!

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been 2 months since we began our wellness journey, Trucking Nation.

In the very first installment, 5 Tips for Healthy Trucking, I said that wellness doesn’t begin with pumping iron or munching on a head of cabbage. While it may not start there, at some point, we need to consider healthier eating. (Notice how I’m not using the dreaded word “diet.” This isn’t an extreme 1 month program, this is a gradual lifestyle change!)

What I’m trying to say is…

It’s time to break out that head of cabbage! But we won’t stop there; there’s loads of power foods & tips for making better choices that we’ll discuss today in #WellnessWednesday Part 5: Eat, Drink, & Be Healthy! As always, we compiled these tips with trucking lifestyle in mind, meaning the foods are either readily available, not perishable, and/or easy to eat while driving.

Chew on these 5 tips for healthful eating. Open up wide!

1. Eat Whole Foods: 

  • A general rule of thumb you’ve likely heard by now. It simply means, the less processed your food is, the better. Processing foods not only decreases nutrient density, it also provides the opportunity for artificial flavors, preservatives, colors & even more unsavory things to be mixed into your food. Eat things that look like what they actually are. Whole grains, like brown rice, are preferable to bread, for example. And where might you get these whole foods? Well that leads me to tip #2!

2. Park with Care:  

  • Choices are certainly limited when you’re living out of a truck cab–don’t limit yourself further by stopping only at rest stops and fast-food joints. The limited (and what tends to be unhealthy & overly-processed) selection is just setting you up for failure.

    Instead, stop at grocery stores or farmer’s markets along the way. You’ll find a much wider selection of whole foods, and for better prices! If you absolutely HAVE to grab a snack at a rest stop, grab a pack of nuts or sunflower seeds instead of a bag of chips, unsalted is preferable. And grab water instead of soda, that’s a no-brainer!

3. Pack Smart, Snack Smart:

  • Bringing along healthy, delicious snacks is another way to set yourself up for success. Yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, hummus with veggies are all protein-packed, filling, and scrumptious–if you have a mini-fridge! If not, bring dry goods like unsalted nuts and seeds, nut butters with sprouted bread, fresh berries, fruit leather, seaweed or kale chips–I could go on forever, baby!

    Some of these may sound foreign, but they’re becoming readily available. They’ll wake-up your tastebuds (I can tell you from experience), and they’re INFINITELY HEALTHEIR than the same, boring snacks you’ve been eating your whole life! Be bold, try new things, & find what works for you!

    4. Start Juicin’:

    • The perfect way to consume a TON of fresh fruit, veggies, & herbs, right in the palm of your hand. Juicing works for truckers, it’s a fact. Google it, you’ll find truckers who’ve shed hundreds of pounds and beaten chronic illness by juicing on the road. If you’re trucking for a few days at a time, you can “pre-juice” at home and store it in air-tight jars in your mini-fridge. Just grab and chug–wheel in one hand, juice in the other.

      However, juicing on the spot is best, the fresher the juice the better! Juice recipes are easy to find online, and they’ll not only cover your 7-a-day, but they’ll detox your body while flooding it with the enzymes, minerals, and vitamins it craves.

      5. Fermented Foods:

      • Sounds gross, at first, until you consider that some of the finer (or should I say, winer!) things in life are fermented. Fermented foods are not only easy to bring on a road trip (because they’re preserved in jars!), but they have amazing health benefits too. The lacto-fermentation preserves nutrients and makes them more readily-digestible. You’re likely already eating these foods without realizing it!

        Pickles, for example, are a healthy fermented food, along with sauerkraut. Look for ones that have been lacto-fermented, rather than vinegar-based. Not as common is kimchi, a spicy fermented cabbage which is becoming more common in the US every day! You can also drink the benefits of fermentation with kefir, a yogurt drink, or drink kombucha! (Don’t worry, the alcohol content is non-existent.) Made from fermented oolong tea, kombucha is a fruity, delicious, gut-loving alternative to water. Droves of people swear by kombucha because it improves digestion and boosts your energy! 

        Take these 5 tips on your wellness journey, and use them to make better choices. Choice, being the keyword. No one can dictate what’s best for you. Break the grooves of routine, do some self-discovery, & reforge new, healthier habits that nourish your body!

        And if you feel like back-sliding, gather some inspiration from our former blogs & remember: if you don’t finish your broccoli, the ExpressTruckTax Support Heroes will send you to bed without dessert!

        5 Tips for Healthy Trucking

        5 More Tips for Healthy Trucking

        Even More Tips for Healthy Trucking: Ripped Edition

        Part 4: The Return of the Tips

        Gross Vehicle Weight Increase: Easy E-filing of Form 2290 Amendments

        It happens. We all put on a little extra weight now and again–especially around the holiday season! Fortunately, this weight gain comes with minimal consequences (like having to break out those elastic-waist sweatpants)!

        But what happens when your truck gains weight? An increase in the taxable gross weight of a vehicle means an increase in the heavy vehicle use tax owed if this weight increase bumps your truck up to

        the next weight category.

        Are you ready to calculate the prorated tax & break out those partial-period tax tables?

        No? Well, good! We at ExpressTruckTax would never put you through such torture!

        If you’ve used any of our programs or apps before, you know we are pro-simplicity and anti-calculator! Whether you E-filed this year’s Form 2290 with us or not, E-filing a Form 2290 Amendment is super easy with ExpressTruckTax because we do all of the calculating for you!

        Here’s a Step-by-Step guide to E-filing an amendment for increased vehicle weight.

        *Note: Be sure to submit the amendment by the last day of the month following the month in which the weight increase occurred. 

        Step 1: Get started!

        -Returning users login or new users create an account.
        -Click “Start” under Form 2290 Amendments.
        -Choose the kind of amendment. Click start under “Taxable Gross Weight Increase.”

        Step 2: Input Vehicle Info

        -Select vehicle first-used month.
        -Select the amended month, the month in which the weight change occurred.
        -If you E-filed your 2290 with us this year, select the vehicles to be amended from that return and choose the new weight class.
        -If the return was not filed with us, enter the vehicle’s VIN and the new weight class.
        -If you are changing the weight of more than 1 vehicle, click “Save & Add Another;” otherwise, click “Save” to complete.
        -Rejoice as the tax is prorated for you! I told you that you wouldn’t need a calculator!

        Step 3: Transmit the Return

        -Choose from three methods of payment to pay your increased tax to the IRS. As always, we offer Direct Debit (EFW), EFTPS, and check or money order.
        -Time for the Instant Audit! Our system scans your return for errors, just one more step to ensure that you get the green light!
        -And you’re done! Securely transmit your amendment to the IRS and receive your new stamped Schedule 1 within minutes!

        And that’s all, folks. Three easy steps with just a few clicks here & a dash of typing there. All in all, you’ll be done in 10 minutes or less thanks to our stream-lined process.

        We also offer speedy E-filing of 2290 Amendments for VIN corrections (for FREE!) & for increases in mileage. If you’re not sure which amendment to file, don’t be shy! Ask our Support Heroes! They’re available via 24/7 email support at They’re also on live chat, or just a phone call away at 704.234.6005.

        September Trucking Events!

        Now that the Form 2290 deadline is behind us, it’s time for a hefty dose of fun! You’ve earned it, Trucking Nation! 

        Fall is creeping up on us, and the beautiful month of September has just begun. Which means it’s time for another installment of this month’s best Trucking Events! September is full of some good

        ones, featuring wacky hijinks like mechanical bulls and forklift rodeos. Believe me, you will not want to miss these events. And one of them begins today!

        There’s no time to waste, so let’s dive right in…

        • The Big Iron Classic kicks off today in Kasson, Minnesota. But don’t worry, the fun extends to tomorrow also! This event is free of charge; however, donations are encouraged as this truck show is one of Minnesota’s biggest charitable contributors! (They collect toys for kids, so bring one along to drop in the collection box.)

          If you can make it tonight, check out the Light Show and watch hundreds of big rigs light up the night sky! Not only will you get to see over 600 semi-truck tractors and trailers on display, but there’s a truck-pull competition too. Feast your eyes on two diesel trucks kicking up dirt and vying to pull a weighted sled, which only digs deeper into the mud as time goes by! Tomorrow morning, watch the “Parade of Big Rigs” through Mantorville, and in your down time, enjoy the live music from local bands. There’s no better way to relax this weekend if you’re trucking through the Midwest!

        • If you’re in the Northeast this weekend, stop by the NFI Regional Truck and Forklift Rodeo this September 6th in Allentown, PA. They had me a “truck rodeo”! This is a national tradition for NFI employees and their families, providing the opportunity to come together and celebrate their most skilled, safe drivers! Watch forklift and truck drivers alike deftly maneuver an obstacle course. Those who demonstrate the greatest skill are attention to safety will be awarded trophies! Plus, the grand prize winner usually gets a monstrous prize, like a car or a Harley bike! Who knows what it will be this year! Bring the kids along, too. They’ll love the bouncy castle, tricycle-race course, and face painting. And everyone will love the food & live music!
        • Shout out to my home state of New Jersey (Holla!), hosting the U.S. Diesel Truckin’ Nationals September 13th at Raceway Park in Englishtown. This event truly has it all: drag racing, monster trucks, even TV stars from the show Ice Road Truckers! And it’s all packed into one adrenaline-pumping day. There will be over 1,500 diesel trucks in attendance both showing, AND racing! Plus a pack of wild monster trucks featuring names like “Iron Warrior,” “Overkill Evolution,” and “Black Stallion.” The names say it all. This Motorsports Spectacular is sure to live up to its title!
        • Rounding out the end of the month is the Guilty by Association Truck Show, a Chrome Shop Mafia official event in Joplin, Missouri on the 26th-27th. This event caters to the laid-back trucker, there’s no judging or awards given! Simply bring your truck as is, no matter the age or make, and shine it up & show it! They’ll have antiques to late model semi’s, and everything else inbetween. When you aren’t looking at all the big, shiny trucks, enjoy the live music and food, or have a go at the mechanical bull (probably not in that order!). They’re also slated to have a fireworks show, StrongMan Competition, and what trucking event would be complete without a Truck & Tractor Pull!

        These are some of the best events we’ve seen yet, Trucking Nation. If only we could go to them all! If you’re lucky enough to hit any of these hot spots this month, send us pictures! ExpressTruckTax is always looking for user photos of trucks & more. Your shiny beast of the road just might be featured on our Twitter & Facebook pages.

        Damage Control: Minimizing HVUT Late Penalties

        This one is for all the late filers out there! You know who you are.

        So you missed the Form 2290 deadline for vehicles first used in July, now what? Perhaps you forgot to mail your check on time? Well, you aren’t alone. Whether you’re an early bird or the latest late filer there is, the Support Heroes at ExpressTruckTax are still here for you!

        The good news is, there’s always a second chance! HVUT can be filed at any point during the year, but the sooner you act, the better! The later your return or payment is, the higher the cost to you.

        Let’s talk about what kinds of penalties you can expect and how to minimize the damage.

        First, the IRS will send you a postal notification, explaining what penalties will be charged and how to pay them. The penalties will likely be one of the two below:

        • Late Filing Penalties: 4.5% of the total tax due will be added to your total each month that you remain un-filed past the deadline, for up to 5 months.
        • Late Payment Penalties: .5% of the total tax due will be assessed each month your payment is late, plus an additional interest charge of .54% per month.

        Reporting false or fraudulent information to the IRS will also incur penalties as well, so be sure all information is correct!

        Of course, there aren’t only federal penalties for these offenses. There are ramifications in each state as well. Many states will suspend your vehicle registration until a valid, stamped Schedule 1 is presented (a receipt for filing HVUT).

        This all sounds daunting, so here’s some more good news! The penalties may not be charged if you can show reasonable cause for your late filing or late payment. So when you do send either, be sure to attach an explanation, and it may save you big bucks in penalties!

        You know what they say, better late than never! And that certainly applies here. The sooner you get caught up with the IRS, the better.

        E-file today. Schedule or Mail your payment today. And you’ll be much happier for it tomorrow!

        Let our Support Heroes lend you a helping hand! Call them at 704.234.6005. You can also chat online or get 24/7 email support at They’re based in sunny Rock Hill, SC, and can assist in English, Spanish, and Russian! 

        It’s Deadline Day: E-file Your Form 2290 Before Midnight, Here’s How!

        We’ve come to it at last; the great Deadline of our time.

        Today, dear Trucking Nation, is the last day to file HVUT Form 2290 on time. The new tax year for heavy vehicles began back on July 1st (seems like just yesterday!), and it runs through June 30th of next year. The deadline for all renewals, vehicles already on the road, is September 2nd, which happens to be today!

        Sure, the deadline seems scarythe word even has “dead” in it! But don’t be intimidated!

        If you’ve been busy or just plain forgot, it’s not too late to get your form in under the buzzer! Luckily, E-filing with ExpressTruckTax will only take 10 minutes, or even less if you’re a returning guest! 

        And if you don’t have a computer nearby, just use our mobile site or download our free tablet apps for iPad or Android
        No matter how you E-file, if it’s with ExpressTruckTax, you’ll follow the same simple steps below. Check out our quick video, featuring none other than Sir Charles the Great, for a quick crash course on E-filing!

        *Note: Don’t forget that if you’re E-filing your renewal today, your first-used month is still July!

        • Step 1: Create an Account with an email and password of your choice.
        • Step 2: Enter your EIN and Business name & address.
        • Step 3: Start a new Return by selecting your first-used month (July for renewals) and by entering your vehicle information, VIN # & gross vehicle weight.
        • Step 4: Enter payment information. The IRS does not accept credit cards, but we do! Enter your credit card info for our fee (just $9.90 for a single truck!) and elect to pay the IRS by either Direct Debit, EFTPS, or Check or Money Order.
        • Step 5: Check your return for errors (we check it with our Instant Audit Feature!), then securely transmit your return, and receive your stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS upon acceptance!
        We’ll even send you email, text, fax, or postal mail notifications if you choose, so you’ll always know the status of your return and payment.

        If you’re a returning user, you can skip most every step up there by logging back into your account and either uploading trucks to your return that are saved in the exclusive Truck Zone, or by copying a return from a previous year! When you begin a new 2290, you will be prompted to copy a previous year’s return. Don’t worry; you’ll still be able to make alterations if necessary! Either way, you’ll save yourself needless data entry and get E-filed even quicker!

        Whether you’re a new or returning user, ExpressTruckTax will do what it takes to get you E-filed today!

        Reach out to our Support Heroes, and they’ll help you avoid the dreaded late penalties! Call 704.234.6005, start a live online chat, or get 24/7 email assistance at Our elite team is standing by, ready to swoop in and get your 2290 E-filed in a flash!