Author: Santamarina Joseph

Tax Deadline: Today Is The Deadline To File Business Tax Return or File For An Extension

Reminder for all business owners: The Business Tax Filing deadline is Today at midnight according to your time zone. If you need more time to file your business tax return with the IRS, you can extend your filing deadline up to 5 or 6 months by filing a Business Tax Extension through our sister product, is a leading IRS authorized e-file provider that offers secure and convenient e-filing of  Personal Tax Extension Form 4868 and Business Tax Extension Form 7004.

More About Form 7004:
Form 7004 – “Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns,” will automatically extend the filing deadline for 32 different IRS returns. The IRS typically grants automatic extensions of five (5) or six (6) months, depending on the return for which the extension is filed.

    Please note: IRS Form 7004 does not extend the time for payment of taxes, it’s only an extension to file your return. Generally, payment of any estimated taxes is due at the time of filing the extension. Do not let the deadline sneak up on you, file your extension today!

      Who Is Form 7004 for?
      The Business Tax Extension Form 7004 can be used by:

        Multi-Member LLCs




                Trusts & Estates

                    What is needed to file Form 7004?

                    All you will need to file your Form 7004 is: the business name, address, and Tax-ID/EIN. Make sure your information matches what the IRS has on record. You can verify your information with them by calling 1.800.829.4933

                    With its streamlined design and user-friendly interface, ExpressExtension will walk you through each step of the process in less than 10 minutes. Everything is spelled out in easy to read instructions, not confusing tax jargon. However, should you have any questions about E-Filing Tax Extensions, you can call, email or chat online with the Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 803-514-5155

                    CARB: Proposed Amendments To Truck & Bus Emissions Regulations for California

                    CARB ( California Air Resource Board) announced proposed amendments to its Truck and Bus Regulation. CARB says the proposed amendments provide drivers who are trying to company with the emissions regulations with some flexibility while still giving consideration to the ‘important emission benefits the regulation provides.’

                    The amendments were proposed after stakeholders and, more importantly, truck drivers voiced concerns about their ability to comply with regulations.

                    ARB Chairman Mary D. Nichols said, “The trucking community spoke and we listened. The good news is that we will not have to sacrifice the state’s air quality goals to assist fleet owners. These amendments, which include more flexible deadlines and increased opportunities to access incentive funding, will further our emissions reduction goals by better ensuring that fleets can meet the requirements of the regulation.”

                    Many predicted, and were sadly correct, the cost of compliance would put many small California carriers out of business and prevent non-compliant out-of-state trucks from entering the state.

                    The California Resource Board will discuss the proposed amendments at the April 24 Hearing.

                    What are the proposed changes?

                    • A longer phase-in period for diesel particulate matter (PM) requirements for trucks that operate exclusively in certain rural areas with cleaner air;
                    • Additional time and a lower cost route for all small fleet owners to meet their PM compliance requirements, while reopening opportunities for these fleet owners to apply for and receive public incentive funding;
                    • A compliance route for owners currently unable to qualify for a loan to finance required upgrades;
                    • Adjusted schedules for low-use vehicles and certain work trucks;
                    • Recognition of fleet owners who took action to comply by providing additional “useable life” for retrofit trucks and reducing near-term compliance requirements.

                    What will happen if it is approved?
                    If the board approves the amendments, carriers and owner/operators who have already made investments to their trucks will be provided with additional benefits. The proposed amendments provide flexibility to small fleets, lower mileage fleets, and fleets from areas that are also working for cleaner air.

                    ARB Chairman Mary D. Nichols responded, “We recognize the huge investments that many business owners have already made in order to meet the requirements of the Truck and Bus Regulation. Their efforts have gone a long way toward helping us to meet our mandatory deadlines and we applaud them for what they have accomplished.”

                    Overall these amendments would also ensure that, by 2020, the annual emission reductions would be at the same level as the existing regulation.

                    We will keep you posted on any new developments of the California Truck and Bus Emissions Regulations, for more information visit – Proposed Amendments to the Truck and Bus Regulation

                    How To Keep Your Form 2290 From Being Rejected By The IRS

                    The IRS may reject a return for various reasons, but there are 4 main reasons we at ExpressTruckTax run into.

                    1. Business Name or EIN does not match what the IRS has on file.

                    The Business Name and EIN must match exactly what the IRS has on file. For most owner-operators, your name will be your Business Name because that is what is on your title – it just makes it easier. The IRS no longer accepts social security numbers as an EIN. If you have forgotten what business name or ein that is registered with the IRS, you can call their EIN hotline to find out. Just dial 1-800-829-4933. If you do not have an EIN, you can easily apply for one online at

                    2. Duplicate filing

                    The IRS will only accept one filing for a specific truck, meaning, you can’t file twice for one vehicle. When filing through ExpressTruckTax, you can see what trucks you have filed for already on your Dashboard page. It is best to call the IRS Excise Tax Hotline if you get this error message – the number is 1-866-699-4096.

                    3. Bank Routing number is incorrect

                    It happens, where you put in a wrong number for your Bank Routing information. The best thing to do is call your bank and make sure you have the correct routing number and compare it to the number you entered into the payment information. You can log into your ExpressTruckTax account an double check the payment information you entered.

                    4. EIN has not registered in the IRS system yet.

                    If you get a brand new EIN, it takes up to 10 business days to register in the IRS system before you can file. You will get an error message that says your EIN does not match what the IRS has in their system, but that is because it has not been entered into their records yet.

                    Before you begin filing your Form 2290 HVUT make sure to have all the correct business information. If you choose to pay by Electronic Funds Withdraw, where the IRS payment comes directly out of your bank account, make sure you have the correct routing and account number.

                    For more information on EIN check out our other posts:

                    EIN is Required to File Form 2290

                    EIN – What is it and How Can You Get One?

                    Theft Prevention: Keeping Your Truck And Trailer Safe

                    Vehicle thieves love to get their sticky fingers on commercial trucks and trailers. When they are stolen, you or your company experience revenue loss, higher insurance premiums, parts shortages, business interruptions, angry customers, and workers’ comp claims. The main concern is if a truck or trailer is violently hijacked, an operator may be traumatized, injured, or worse. We know you take precautions to avoid theft, but are you taking all the right ones?

                    Here are a few preventative measures to help protect you against theft while your out on the open road.

                       Follow Routine Safety Measures

                        • Put the most valuable cargo in the front of the trailer to make it less accessible to thieves.
                        • Use cargo locking doors and keep them locked.
                        • Do not permit unauthorized passengers, such as hitchhikers, to enter the vehicle.
                        • Park in an attended lot. If this is not possible, park in a well-lighted, fenced lot that is visible from the street.
                        • Do not leave spare keys in or under the vehicle.
                        • Do not put a tag on the key-ring that directly identifies the vehicle. A criminal could use this to steal the vehicle.
                        • Do not leave the windows open when the truck is unattended.
                        • King-pin locks should be used on parked trailers. These are sleeves that are placed on a trailer’s king-pin, then secured when it is not attached to a truck.

                         Install Warning And Anti-theft Devices.

                          • These include alarms and wheel locks.
                          • Some thieves will be discouraged by such devices.
                          • These will only slow a determined thief down. It is best to use other means of theft prevention as well.

                          Install Immobilizing Devices

                            • These disable vital automotive functions and prevent the engine from being restarted until a hidden switch is activated.
                            • These should be used along with the other mentioned security tips, as a disabled vehicle can still be towed away.

                            Install Tracking Devices

                              • Global Positioning System (GPS) devices are commonly used to track the locations of trucks and trailers. Low Jack that semi and a thief won’t get far.

                               Beware of Stranger Danger

                                • Always drive with the doors locked. (unless your an Ice Road Trucker and might need to bail out if your truck goes through the ice)
                                • Choose restaurants and rest areas that are in well-lighted, commonly traveled areas.
                                • Be cautious when a stranger flags you down or asks you for directions.
                                • Keep a radio or mobile phone handy to offer help without getting out of the vehicle.

                               Always be aware of your surroundings and follow routine safety measures. Try to keep these safety tips in mind when your out on the road and keep your truck and trailer safe from theft.

                                Form 2290: Filing For Vehicle First Used In February 2014

                                Did You Put Your Truck In Service During February 2014? 
                                If your truck was first used in February 2014, you will need to file a Form 2290 HVUT by March 31st. When a new vehicle is placed into service, the Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the following month. Filing a 2290 is simple and you receive your Schedule 1 back in a matter of minutes when using ExpressTruckTax.

                                If you are new to filing the 2290 HVUT, here is a little information to help you out:

                                What is a 2290 HVUT?
                                The 2290 is an annual federal highway use tax paid to the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on vehicle operating on public highways at a gross weight of 55,000 lbs and greater. The federal government distributes revenues back to the states for highway construction and maintenance projects.

                                Do I pay for the entire year if my first used month was February 2014?
                                No, your tax will be prorated based on the number of months the vehicle will have been used during the tax year. If a vehicle was used during any part of a month, the tax will be calculated for that month as a whole. For example, if a vehicle was used on February 27th, it will be taxed as though it was used the entire month, regardless of the fact it was only used for a couple of days, and the tax will be based on 5 months, instead of the full year.

                                Filing your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax only takes a few minutes and you can also file from our mobile site – – if you can’t get to a computer, all you will need is:

                                • Some basic business information
                                • EIN – employee identification number 
                                • VIN 
                                • Gross Weight of your vehicle – this is the weight of your truck plus a fully loaded trailer, for most semi-trucks this is 80,000 lbs.

                                Then all you will need to do is follow the steps to transmit your return to the IRS and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes. If you have any questions about filing your 2290 just give our Express Truck Tax Support team, located in Rock Hill, SC a call at 704-234-6005. We have Spanish Support too!

                                Form 2290 Deadline is Today for Vehicles First Used in January 2014

                                If you placed your vehicle on the road in January, the deadline to file Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicles is today! You can do this in minutes when you use to pay this tax online. It is easy to use and simple to understand. You can file HVUT for your Taxable Vehicles in just minutes. A vehicle is considered to be a taxable vehicle if it was operating on public roads between the tax periods of July through June and has a taxable gross weight of at least 55,000 pounds and travels at least 5,000 miles during the tax period (7,500 miles if used for agriculture).

                                When using to E-File your HVUT, here is a helpful checklist to guide you through the filing process:

                                • Review Federal Tax ID# or EIN# (Employer Identification Number)
                                • Review your Tax Year and Month
                                • Review your VIN# (Vehicle Identification Number)
                                • Sign and date your return electronically
                                • Choose IRS payment option
                                • Review all the information
                                • Double check your Business Name
                                • E-File Your 2290 Return

                       allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically! This way you can get a stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. Express Truck Tax is authorized by the IRS to E-File Form 2290. The taxpayer will then receive the Schedule 1 via email or fax as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will then be watermarked by the IRS instead of an actual physical stamp. Be sure to get this filed today to avoid possible IRS penalties.

                                If you are on the road and unable to get to a computer before tomorrow’s deadline, you can use our mobile site at

                                For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at We have Spanish Support too!

                                Friday Is The Deadline to File Form 2290 for Vehicles First Used in January

                                 Friday, February 28th is the deadline to file Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicles first placed on public highways during the month of January. IRS Form 2290, is the form you use to file your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax or HVUT. this tax is imposed by the federal government in order to help pay for the damage done to our public highways by vehicles that weigh 55,000 or more.

                                You can pay your Highway Use Tax quickly and easily using All you need is some basic business information, EIN, VIN and Gross Vehicle Weight. You will have the option to choose which form of payment you would like to use to pay your IRS fees and then transmit your information directly to the IRS. Within minutes you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1, which is your receipt or proof that you filed your Form 2290.

                                Your tax due will be prorated based on the number of months the vehicle will have been used during the tax year. So vehicles that were placed in service during the month of January will need to file HVUT using the Form 2290 by February 28th, and the tax will be based on 6 months, instead of the full year.

                                If you are on the road and unable to get to a computer before tomorrow’s deadline, you can use our mobile site at

                                For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at We have Spanish Support too!

                                Reminder – Upcoming Form 2290 Deadline for Vehicles 1st Used in January

                                The deadline to file your Form 2290 for any heavy vehicles first placed in use during the month of January is this Friday, February 28th. The HVUT, or the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is mandatory for vehicles to file the IRS Form 2290 after the first use month. The quickest and easiest way to E-File the 2290 is through

                                All you will need is some basic business information:

                                • EIN – Employer Identification Number, also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, is used to identify a business entity.
                                • VIN – Vehicle Identification Number of up to 17 characters
                                • Gross Weight of the Vehicle – The gross weight of your vehicle is the weight of your truck + a loaded trailer.

                                Then you will transmit the return to the IRS and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes! If you need assistance or have any questions, please go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock HIll, SC at 704.234.6005 or email us at We have Spanish Support too!

                                Transferred Truck During 2290 Tax Year

                                A common question our Support Team at ExpressTruckTax receives is how to handle the situation when a vehicle is transferred to another company during the tax year.  Assuming the Form 2290 was filed and the tax was paid for the current year, you would need to file a new Form 2290 under the new business name and EIN.  On the return, you will be able to claim the refund for the taxes that were paid under the previous business name and EIN.  You will need to call the IRS directly and they will walk you through the process or you can have a service provider, like Truck Services of North America to do it for you.

                                NOTE: The Form 2290 must be filed no later than the end of the month following when the transfer took place.  Example, if you formed a new business and the vehicles began operating under the new business name in February, your Form 2290 would have to be filed no later than March 31st.  If you file after March 31st, the return will be considered late and you may incur penalty fees.

                                For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

                                What Do I Need to File Form 2290?

                       is the quickest, easiest, and best value for filing your Form 2290 (Heavy Truck Use Tax) online with the IRS.

                                Here are a few points to keep in mind while Filing your 2290 returns with
                                • Review Federal Tax ID# or EIN# [Employer Identification Number]
                                • Review your Tax Year and Month
                                • Review your VIN# [Vehicle Identification Number]
                                • Sign and date your return electronically
                                • Choose IRS payment option
                                  • Electronic Funds Withdrawal, or Direct Debit: The IRS will collect the taxes due after they are provided with a bank account number and routing number
                                  • EFTPS: You have to schedule the payment to the IRS by going to
                                  • Check/Money Order: The IRS also supports Check/Money Order as long as it is scheduled by the 31st of the filing month
                                • Review all the information
                                • Double check your Business Name
                                • Transmit Your 2290 Return

                                To E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!