Show Your Appreciation To a Trucker This Thanksgiving

November 26, 2020

It’s no secret that truckers are the backbone of the American economy. Without them — and the freight they haul — our entire way of life would disappear.

It has been a difficult year in many ways, but we are so thankful for the hard work and dedication of truckers.

Despite all they do, truckers are rarely given the respect and gratitude they deserve. Plus, many truckers find themselves on the road and separated from their families on Thanksgiving.

This Thanksgiving, consider thanking a trucker for what they do in one of the following ways.

Showing your appreciation

Consider signing up for the “Meals for 18 Wheels” program on Facebook. Through this volunteer program, you will be connected to drivers who are away from home and in need of a meal.

Just having a warm, homemade meal can make all the difference during the holidays.

“Meals for 18 Wheels” serves truckers during the rest of the year too. So if you are too busy during the holiday season, consider volunteering some other time.

Thank a trucker

Maybe you could take an extra step and deliver care packages at your local truck stop. Even small gifts can make a world of difference for someone spending Thanksgiving away from home.

Happy Thanksgiving from Express Truck Tax

Lastly, just thank a trucker. Shake their hand and give them a smile. Let them know that we appreciate all that they do.

From everyone here at Express Truck Tax, Happy Thanksgiving, Truckers.

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