We have all gone hulk once or twice. Maybe it was for acceptable reasons and maybe it was a tragic overreaction to something. Either way, since birth people are taught to be in control of their own emotions because anger can be dangerous, especially when it enters our roads.
Recent Road Rage…
The Nation’s highways are already filled with dangers such as driving tired and driving distracted, and that’s only made worse when people are driving angry. Recently, in Allentown, Pa, a trucker named Ernest S.Weisburg was so consumed with road rage that he began hurling rocks out of his window, striking a van.
The victims followed the trucker until state troopers were able to pull the driver over, and when they did they found 3 more rocks behind Weisburg’s passenger seat. This is an example of incredibly dangerous road rage that could have lead to major wrecks and traffic deaths.
Thank you for being a responsible trucker and doing your part to keep other motorists safe, even though an influx of four wheelers can really test everyone’s patience. Let’s continue making our roads safer by taking a look at preventing road rage.
Identifying Road Rage
Road rage is known as aggressive or violent behavior coming from a driver’s uncontrolled anger towards fellow motorists and truckers on the road. Many things can cause road rage from a bad day at work to running late.
Often times road rage beings with aggressive driving such as speeding, tailgating, and not using a blinker. If you notice yourself doing these things take a moment to calm down before your situation escalates.
Road rage is extremely dangerous because it’s distracting. Usually when involved in road rage drivers are looking at other motorists instead of the road, making it easy to run into objects or other vehicles.
Drivers also have the tendency to make obscene gestures at other motorists, meaning they don’t have both hands on the wheel. With only one hand on the wheel is can be much easier to lose control of your own semi truck.
Those involved with road rage may also speed up and maneuver dangerously around each other, putting themselves and other drivers at risk. In severe cases, vehicles will try to push each other off the road or use weapons to cause harm.
Road rage could result in the loss of your life, traffic deaths, vehicle damage, physical damage, fines, going to court, going to jail, and more. It’s best to just keep calm and avoid it at all costs.
Preventing Road Rage
The best way to avoid road rage is to ignore other drivers, even if they are truck drivers. We sure you encounter a lot of angry people on the roads, and you’re good at not letting them get to you. Avoid eye contact with them and give them enough space to pass you so they can be on their way.

You can also play calming music or an interesting podcast to distract yourself from other drivers. If they seem to be getting to you just take a deep breath and go to your happy place for a few minutes until drive away. You can also pull over to gather your emotions or count backward in your head. Thinking about the consequences of your actions can also help you stay calm.
It’s a good practice to be mentally prepared for your drive. You can most likely expect other drivers who are upset during their daily commute, so go ahead and let that stress go before you even get in route.
If you find yourself in a situation that could quickly escalate into road rage it helps to wave and mouth the word ‘sorry’. Remember it’s much better to be the bigger person than another victim of road rage.
Keep On Trucking
As the holiday season approaches and more motorists get on the road remember to keep calm and continue driving safely. Road rage accounts for a high amount of traffic deaths and can be completely avoided by keeping your cool.
Please share your tips for avoiding road rage in the comment section below and visit ExpressTruckTax.com for more trucking blogs.