The Infinite Benefits of E-Filing with ExpressTruckTax

October 16, 2014

We know how to treat our E-filers right. And we’ve got thousands of happy, returning users to prove it. We’ve not only designed ExpressTruckTax to be a pleasant E-filing experience. We needed to go bigger than that.

That’s why the benefits of E-filing with ExpressTruckTax aren’t just in the moment– they extend

back into the past and far into the future. Ripples of E-filing goodness traveling through space-time in all directions!

We didn’t need a time machine (or Stephen Hawking’s brain) to do it, just our technical know-how and our passion for making your E-filing experience better than you ever dreamed possible.

When you make friends with ExpressTruckTax, here are some of the benefits you can expect.

Before You E-file:

We like our users so much, the benefits begin before you’ve even E-filed with us.

2290 Tax Calculator App: This free tablet app for iOS & Android Devices helps you figure out the HVUT owed, without filing! In less than 5 minutes and three easy steps, you’ll have an accurate picture of your yearly 2290 tax and a neat little email sent to you with all of the details for later. Now you can E-file with confidence, knowing there won’t be any costly last minute surprises.

Smart Upload: If your account is brand-spanking new, there’s a way to upload your business details and vehicles fast! With our bulk upload, you can import data from a CSV file directly into ExpressTruckTax, making your account set up a snap. Even if you manage hundreds or thousands of trucks, they can all be imported at once. There’s no faster way to start E-filing. We’ve got the stuff to help you gain traction fast!

While You’re E-filing:

The Support Heroes: Our support team is truly one-of-a-kind. They not only offer unparalleled USA-based support right from our hometown of Rock Hill, SC, they also do it in three languages: English, Spanish & Russian. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, these “heroes” prove their name to be true by offering support via phone, email, and chat right when you need it most. Most impressively, they do it all with a smile.

E-file Anywhere: We’re app crazy! In addition to our tax calculator app, our free ExpressTruckTax Form 2290 tablet app allows you to swiftly E-file anywhere. Whether you’re in a shop waiting for repairs or chowing down in a diner on your break, you can access our easy-to-use E-filing solution from your iOS or Android device. Our mobile site is also available for those with a smartphone handy. We know you’re always on the go; it only made sense for us to go with you!

Automatic Form 8849 Generation: Does the IRS owe you money? If so, our program will automatically generate the refund request for you. All you’ll have to do is review the info and securely send it. Then wait to get paid!

Convenient Payment Methods: We offer three ways to pay your taxes to the IRS. Although the IRS no longer accepts credit cards, you can still pay by Direct Debit (EFW), EFTPS through the government, or by check or money order. If you choose the latter, we’ll create a payment voucher to send with your check. We are firm believers in taking care of things for you, can’t you tell?

Instant Audit:
Before securely transmitting your return, our system will scan it for errors. Just one more fail-safe to ensure you E-file successfully!

Notifications: Sitting on pins and needles, waiting for the IRS to decide your fate, neither of these are fun. That’s why we make it quick and painless with 4 notification systems. Whether you choose email, text, or fax (or all of the above!) you’ll know the second your return has been processed by the IRS, and we’ll automatically email you your stamped Schedule 1 too. If you elect fax notifications, we’ll fax your return to anyone of your choosing: a driver, your carrier, home office, whatever you like! We can also send it via postal mail, in case printer availability is scarce.

After You E-file:

We won’t love you and leave you. That’s not our style. Once you’ve E-filed with us once, the benefits last long into the future.

Receive Stamped Schedule 1 Instantly: With a 98% approval rating with the IRS, our users typically receive their stamped Schedule 1 via email in 5 minutes. Combine that with the 10 minutes it took you to E-file, 15 minutes total is not too shabby. Good luck getting in & out of the local IRS office in that amount of time!

Free VIN Corrections!
If your return is rejected, or if you made an error, the Support Heroes will help you fix it asap, and in some cases, the retransmission to the IRS is free. Our heroes so dedicated, they’ll even scour your return line-by-line to find duplicate VIN numbers for you! If that isn’t heroic, what is!

Retrieve Vital Docs: Any return you’ve E-filed with ExpressTruckTax is available for viewing or download from the Dashboard in your account. So next time you’re at the DMV, and can’t seem to find your Schedule 1, you can panic just a little less!

Copy a Return:
If you’ve E-filed with us before, you can copy a previous year’s return to the current year. The fields will magically fill before your eyes, and you can still make alterations where necessary. Just one of the benefits that save you tons of time and typing!

Truck Zone: Returning users can also save time with our exclusive feature Truck Zone. Store hundreds or thousands of trucks, all in a single account, and access them quickly with our advanced search. Quickly filter through your trucks, select the ones you’d like to add to the return, and with one click, they’re uploaded. The VIN, gross weight, license plate number– all of those vital details– are stored in TruckZone forever, so you never need to type and re-type and re-type…You get the idea.

Past, present, future– The benefits of E-filing with ExpressTruckTax cannot be contained. You’ll enjoy these features and more for the best value on the market. Our filings start at just $9.90!

Call our Support Heroes today at 704.234.6005, and they’ll help you get started. They’re also available by online chat or 24/7 email assistance at

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Online IRS-Authorized HVUT E-Filing Software You Can Trust

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