The ExpressTruckTax Tablet App

August 4, 2014

Guess what, Trucking Nation? We’re getting down to the wire with less than one month until the HVUT Form 2290 filing deadline!

But before you start to panic, I’ve got a remedy: some good, old-fashioned #MotivationMonday Medicine! Open up wide and take with coffee! (Seriously, lots and lots of coffee!)
Over the next few weeks, there’s a good chance you’ll be out on the road, working long hours, without a computer in sight! Well, with this in mind ExpressTruckTax has developed a solution!

Presenting the fastest, easiest way to E-file your Form 2290: The ExpressTruckTax Tablet app! It’s free and available for download on iPad & Android devices.

Oh, and if you don’t have a tablet, ExpressTruckTax is also smartphone compatible, so you can E-file anywhere you get 4G or WiFi!
I can tell you how fast and easy it is until I’m blue in the face–but instead, why not show you? Let’s walk-through the tablet app together so you can see it in action!
In under 10 minutes and just three steps (or less!), we’ll be ready to securely transmit the return to the IRS!

Step 1: Create an Account

New users create a login with their email addresses.
Of course, if you’ve already got an account with us, just login and skip right to Step 2!
Next enter the business information. You will need your EIN (Employer Identification Number), address, and phone number. 
You will also designate the signing authority, whether that is you or a third party professional.
And done! There’s my business, and I’m ready to start E-filing by clicking the green “Start New Return” button.

Step 2: Enter your Vehicles

Choose the tax year you’re filing for; then select the First Used Month. Based on the month, we’ll let you know the due date to file your return.
You can also E-file for the previous tax year if need be!
Next, enter info for all taxable vehicles. 
Enter the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), the Unit Number, Gross Weight, and whether it is used for logging.
If you’ve got more than one truck to E-file for, click “Save & Add Another.” If you’re done, then just click “Next.”
Now we’ll enter any currently Suspended Vehicles or Prior Year Suspended Vehicles. 
Again, simply enter the VIN, reason for suspension, and any additional details needed.
Based on this information, all of the taxes and credits are automatically calculated for you! What could be easier?

Step 3: Choose Payment, Review & Submit!

We made it! Just another minute and we’ll be ready to submit!
Select from three convenient methods of payment: Direct Debit (EFW), EFTPS through the IRS, or by Check or Money Order. 
(Credit Cards are no longer accepted by the IRS.)
Review your information! 
If you notice any errors, you can easily navigate back by clicking the appropriate section on the left menu. 
After you review your info, we’ll review it too! 
Our Instant Audit feature checks your return for errors, ensuring it’s fit to be filed. 
And our E-filers have a 98% acceptance rate with the IRS! 
We made it! Now just transmit your return and receive your Stamped Schedule I within minutes!
And of course, we’re here for you every step of the way! Chat with our Support Heroes in Rock Hill, SC. They can assist you in English, Spanish, & Russian! Just call 704.234.6005 or get 24/7 email assistance at

If you’d like to know how much tax you’ll owe before you even file, then we’ve got yet another app for you! Try our brand-spanking new Form 2290 Tax Calculator App! It’s also free and available for iPad and Android tablets. 

We never stop creating solutions for your problems! ExpressTruckTax is the place to be for the latest in cutting-edge E-filing solutions. Let’s keep shaping the future of E-filing together, Trucking Nation!

Get Started Today with ExpressTruckTax

Online IRS-Authorized HVUT E-Filing Software You Can Trust

Get Your 2290 Stamped Schedule 1 Now

File your 2290 for the 2024-2025 tax period and get your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes!