You may not know it yet, Trucking Nation. But you’ve all been assigned to a not-so Top Secret spec-ops mission, which we shall refer to by code name…
Mission (Not) Impossible: E-file by Friday
Estimated Time to Completion: 10 minutes or Less

Briefing: Here’s the situation, folks. The Form 2290 filing deadline is only 6 days away. And here’s where things get interesting. The IRS website will be down for maintenance over this holiday weekend.
Your mission is to E-file by Friday night to avoid any potential complications or late penalties. Then retrieve your stamped Schedule 1, and keep it safe for your records.
What You’ll Need to Succeed:
- An IRS-approved E-file provider. You’re in luck, ExpressTruckTax is secure, encrypted, and IRS-approved! Check and check!
- Business Name & Address: Both must be an exact match with what the IRS has on file for your business. A mismatch will get your return rejected. If you are unsure of the name on file, you should quickly call the IRS to verify. The IRS Hotline is 1-800-829-4933.
- EIN: The employer identification number is required for every return. The IRS no longer accepts Social Security Numbers in lieu of an EIN. If you don’t have an EIN, you can register by calling 1-800-829-4933 or by visiting It takes up to 10 business days for the new EIN to be processed, so the return may still be rejected until then.
- VIN: Vehicle Identification Numbers are 17 digits. Check and double-check this number before submitting your return as VIN errors are the number one error for filers. But there’s always a silver-lining: we offer FREE VIN corrections!
- Gross Vehicle Weight: Entering the wrong vehicle weight results in paying the wrong amount of taxes. No bueno! To be sure your gross vehicle weight is accurate, just add these three numbers together. 1. The unloaded weight of the vehicle. 2. The unloaded weight of any trailers customarily attached to the vehicle. 3. The maximum load weight typically carried in the truck & trailer. And there you have it! Magic.
- Bank Balance & Routing Number: Before you transmit your return, it’s always good practice to check your balance to ensure you have enough funds available. Another common reason for a rejected return is an incorrect bank routing number. These 9 digits can be located along the bottom left of a check, or call your local branch just to be sure!
With these tools on hand, you’ll be E-filed in a matter of minutes. And if a computer is what you’re lacking, we have a mobile site AND tablet apps for iPad & Android devices. No matter where you’re trucking, we’ve got you covered!
If you get lost, send up a flare and call the Support Heroes at 704.234.6005, engage in a covert online chat, or get 24/7 email aid at We promise to leave no man or woman behind!
Ladies & Gents, Mission E-file by Friday is officially underway. Now let’s move!
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