Hey everyone, now that the 23-24 tax year has begun, we are getting a lot of questions about how to add another truck to the stamped Schedule 1. So, let’s say that you’ve already filed your 23-24 Form 2290, and you get a new truck or you add a truck to the fleet or whatever the case might be, how do I add that to my stamped Schedule 1 since it’s already been accepted? The answer for this is pretty simple when it comes to filing the Form 2290. You just need to file a new 2290 for that vehicle.
Now, this is not talking if you sold, destroyed, you know, that whole deal where you’re claiming a credit. This is just as if you’re adding a new truck to your fleet. You just file a new 2290, and you choose the first use month that that truck goes on the road.
So let’s say it’s going to go on the road in August, you would choose August just as the first used month, or November or December, whatever month that truck goes on the road. That’s going to get that prorated tax for that vehicle the next year when you file your 2290. You’ll put it together with all of your other trucks in your fleet, and they’ll all be listed on one stamped Schedule 1.
So, adding a truck to your fleet is not difficult. You just start a new 2290 with ExpressTruckTax. You have that one-page option there for e-filing for a single vehicle. Super easy, fill in questions one through six, file the 2290. You get your stamp schedule one back with that vehicle listed there, and then you can get the plates for that new truck.
Now, if you’re talking about adding a credit or claiming the credit, that’s a different process, and I have other videos for that process. But to simply add a truck to your fleet or add a truck to your 2290, you just need to file a new 2290, select the first use month, enter the information for that truck, and you’re good to go.