How To Prepare For Summer As A Trucker

June 18, 2019

Those who have already chosen ExpressTruckTax to file their Form 2290 2019 are finding themselves with a lot of time on their hands for summer 2019. ExpressTruckTax saves truckers money and time with a solution ranked higher than all others in the trucking industry.

Filing your Form 2290 for 2019 is a big task, but it doesn’t have to be. ExpressTruckTax is adamant about giving clients the best possible experience. This is why it is called the leading Form 2290 solution and for the 2019-20 season, it’s no different. The process for filing your Form 2290 2019 has gotten quicker compared to past years.

In the trucking industry more time on your hands can mean more time with family or more time on the road. If you choose to spend that extra time on the road there are a few things you should be concerned about.

Check The Fuel For Your Body

Heat exhaustion can go hand in hand with dehydration. There are two forms of heat exhaustion that can take place when the temperature begins to rise, water depletion and salt depletion. Water depletion symptoms can be weakness and headaches.

Watch out for any of the signs that relate to heat exhaustion and be aware of changes in your body and functions.

Food High in Water Content

  • Cucumbers 
  • Celery
  • Zucchini
  • Cauliflower
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Yogurt
  • Spinach

Tips and Tricks

  • Remove tight-fitting clothing
  • Take a cool shower
  • Get out of the sun

Check The Fuel For Your Vehicle

The engine cooling system is important, especially in sweltering temperatures. Your body can be affected by heat exhaustion, what makes you think your rig can’t?! Before beginning your trip make sure your system has both enough antifreeze and water.

Checking on the coolant of your vehicle is important in making sure your vehicle isn’t overheating. Coolant that is too hot can lead to engine failure and even a fire.

Slow It Down And Take A Break

Your vehicle is more vulnerable to overheating when you are traveling at high speeds. There is extra stress on both the tires and the engine being applied.

  • Drive slow and remember to take frequent breaks to let the system cool down.
  • Tire blowouts are more common in hot weather. Air pressure also increases with temperature. Allowing the tires to cool off every few hours or ideally every 100 miles reduce the risk of not only blowouts but fire as well.

Enjoy The Summer

Truckers can get pretty overwhelmed in the summer because of the time they’re missing away from family on top of their workload increasing. One way truck drivers can enjoy their summer is by getting ahead on their Form 2290 2019. If you haven’t already you can file now and have your Form 2290 2019 submitted to the IRS the very day they begin accepting Forms.
We hope these tips make your Sumer 2019 one to remember. Stay safe, stay hydrated and stay ready for anything. 

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