This year’s tax deadline is less than a month away! It’s time to file your Form 2290, but you may be wondering “Which Form 2290 e-file provider should I use?”
Regardless of which provider you use to file your Form 2290, it’s important that you make sure they are an official IRS-Authorized E-file Provider.
What is an IRS-Authorized E-File Provider?
The IRS-Authorized E-File Providers are tax software providers who are accepted into their nationwide electronic filing program by passing rigorous security testing.
These programs that are authorized by the IRS are Electronic Return Originators (ERO) who are able to return the tax forms straight to the IRS.

Why is it important to be an IRS-Authorized E-File Provider?
It’s important to make sure your E-filing provider is authorized so you have peace of mind that the form is securely filled directly with the IRS.
Although these programs have been IRS-authorized, the IRS does not actually endorse any of these individual programs. As a result of this, it’s important to conduct your own research on different e-filing providers to make sure these sites are safe to use.
When looking for the right Form 2290 e-file provider, it’s important that you look at all the features included and the pricing to file your tax return form through them. The IRS suggests filing your Form 2290 online this year because the IRS is facing heavy delays due to the pandemic.
Why Choose ExpressTruckTax?
ExpressTruckTax is proud to be one of these IRS-Authorized e-file providers and we guarantee that you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 within minutes!
With pricing starting at just $9.90 for a single vehicle, our low price and great features make ExpressTruckTax the best choice.
Some of these features the ExpressTruckTax offers to our clients includes free VIN corrections, ExpressGuarantee, Instant Error Checks, Bulk Upload, and much more!
For more information on ExpressTruckTax, or to get started today, visit or contact our US Based Support Team in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 for additional assistance.