E-File 2290s at the Right Price!

June 29, 2016

E-File 2290s at the Right Price!
E-File 2290s at the Right Price!

2290 – seems like the magic number everyone has been talking about since last month, the month before that, this month, and next month.

But a 2290 is something that as a trucker–whether you’re a greenhorn or an experienced road warrior – you should know.

And no, “2290” isn’t code for a rest stop or a crazy four-wheeler switching lanes every ten seconds. It’s a number – by that we mean a tax form – designated by the glorious moguls of the IRS to name the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax that all truckers have to pay each year.

When it comes to filing and paying this tax, there are a lot of options out there.

  • You could stand in a long line at the IRS office, only to get turned away when you don’t have all of the information you need. 
  • You could fill out the form yourself and then mail it, along with your money, to the IRS. 
  • Or, you could use the most-trusted e-file provider of 2290s, ExpressTruckTax, and never have to leave the comfort of your home or truck. 

    We’ve been in the business long enough to have seen just about every type of problem you might experience when filing your 2290.

    But we’re not just a place to complete and transmit your return, we also offer a whole heck of a lot of features too.

    Check ‘em out!

    ExpressTruckTax Features

    First off, getting started with ExpressTruckTax is completely free. That’s right…FREE! All you need to do is create an account (or use the one you created last year) and then click file.

    There’s no complicated programs to download or forms to print off—everything is done right from your phone, computer, or tablet.

    You also have the option of using these other great features that come along in your account:

    • Complete e-filing of your 2290
    • Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes—sent by fax or email
    • E-filing Form 2290 amendments
    • 2290 VIN corrections
    • Unlimited submissions for rejected Form 2290s
    • Instant tax audit
    • Text notifications
    • Instant proof of payment notification
    • A friendly USA-based support anytime you need it

    The Price

    Don’t pay the price of trusting anyone else to file your 2290 for you.

    Don’t pay the price when you are late getting your 2290 to the IRS.

    Don’t pay anyone else to do the job for you when you can use ExpressTruckTax.

    Trust me. ExpressTruckTax is the right price to pay for all of your 2290 needs. And we’ll be here year after year to help you.

    After all, it’s truckers that keeps America running. ExpressTruckTax is here to keep you on the road.

    Log in or create an account now with ExpressTruckTax and get to filing your 2290 before the madness at the IRS office sets in. Just visit ExpressTruckTax.com.

    Related Blog: IRS Form 2290 Payment Methods

    Get Started Today with ExpressTruckTax

    Online IRS-Authorized HVUT E-Filing Software You Can Trust

    Get Your 2290 Stamped Schedule 1 Now

    File your 2290 for the 2024-2025 tax period and get your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes!